Chapter 44

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Dancing with Jungkook.

Dancing in front of the whole school.

Dancing with Jungkook.


I can't get that to stop worrying me.

Stop thinking!

Taehyung once again drove me to school and came with me to backstage.

"J-HOOOOOOPE!" Taehyung screams once he sees Hoseok in the dressing room.

"Tae! You came!" Hoseok screams too.

They run to each other and hug. Hoseok jumps on Taehyung.

 Hoseok jumps on Taehyung

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I walk to my dressing room and see Jungkook already there getting his face and hair ready.

"Good morning, Eunhye." He greets me when he notices me come in.

" He greets me when he notices me come in

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"H-Hi." I wave to him in the mirror.

"What's your first outfit going to be like?" He asks.

I stop in my tracks.

My outfit. Why does he want to know? I mean he could. But why ask like that?

I don't know! Stop thinking!

"Oh. Um nothing much. I'll just be working backstage for the first part." I answer him shyly.

"Hmm. Sounds like a fun job." He nods his head while staring into the mirror.

I hurry to my small changing room.

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