Chapter 31

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"Jungkook, I'm no expert...but it seems like you're doing this for other people and not yourself." I place a hand on his knee.

He sighs. "I've been told that. It's frustrating! How could I get the Perfect Picture in just two weeks!?"

"You'll find it. I know you will. School's off starting tomorrow. If you need any help, I'll be here." I assure him.

He looks at me with a warming smile. "You're perfect to me."


I turn really red. "O-Oh...thank you."


Jungkook and I laugh awkwardly as we head downstairs.

1 week later....


"And finished!" Jungkook throws his hands up.

"Let me see! Let me see!" I chant while running to him.

I was at Jungkook's house helping him with his arts.

I was his model/assistant.

I missed modeling.

Since school started, I wasn't able to be a real model.

So this is a win for both of us!

Jungkook hands me the canvas and I laugh.

Jungkook hands me the canvas and I laugh

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"Once again, I am amazed." I kiss his red cheek.

Jungkook chuckles. "Give me honest feedback please, sweetie."

"Well....I look like a character." I say.

"You ARE this cute!" He says and pulls me on his lap.

I squeal shyly when he pulls me on his lap. "Thank you!"

He laughs. "How about you try drawing?"

"Ah, Jungkook, I can't. I can only draw lines and even those aren't straight."

"I see..."

"You should be focusing on your project. I don't want to get in the way of that." I hop off his lap.

"You're right..." He look down with a side smile.

My phone buzzes and I check it.

"Oh. My grandpa needs me at the café."

"I'll stop by for a lemonade." Jungkook says quietly.

"Hey..." I lift his chin. "You can do this. In my eyes, everything you draw is beyond perfect."

He smiles brightly. "Really?"

"Really." I place a soft kiss on his lips. "Don't let distractions keep you away, ok?"

He nods, totally mesmerized.


As soon as Eunhye left, I slammed myself onto my bed.

Hiding frustration is harder than I thought.

Why can't I find the right idea for a picture? It shouldn't be hard! It's just a matter of emotion....right? How I feel!? I'm EMOTIONLESS!!

I smack myself with a pillow.

My parents are gonna be so disappointed.

I forced my body to get up and pick up a paintbrush.

Drawing the usual bowl of fruit.


I stepped into the café.

"Hey-" I stopped.

There was no one in the café....

I turned around and saw the sign on the cafe read closed.

"Pa!" I call out.

He rushes out the kitchen with something in his hand.

"Sweetie! My baby! I have such wonderful news!" He shouts with excitement. "OHOHO! IT'S GONNA BE GOOD!"

I sit down across the counter from him. "What is it?"

"I just got a letter from an agency. A modeling agency!"

I scream. "Modeling! Agency! Letter!?!"

"Sorry, I opened it. But they want you to be their star model for their new winter clothing line!"

I cover my mouth. "This is real? They want me!? How!? Wh-Why?!"

"Don't be surprised, darling. They probably seen you around! Plus, you're beautiful!"

"I've only modeled clothing at local shops." I laughed.

"So what! My baby is gonna be big!" Pa pulls me in for a big hug.



I was in the middle of drawing a flower when a knock on the door made me yelp.



"Come in."

Eunhye comes in and immediately jumps me for a hug.

I fell back onto my bed while turning bright red.

"Jungkook! Guess what!" She pulls away and beams.

"I-I don't know." I blink. "I-"

"I'm going to be a model! For an agency!" She pulls me up and throws her arms around me.

"Wow! That's so cool!" I laugh.

"I won't be able to come over as often, Jungkook." She frowns. "I just realized."

"A-Ah, don't mind that. That's totally fine with me! I'll support you 24/7." I say.

"Oh thank you! Oh, you're the best!"

Perfect Picture || JEON JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now