Chapter 30

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Don't judge me! I was worried about Jungkook.

Did I say something?

He just got up and left...

Why do I think it's about me?

It's a 99% chance it's not me.

It's not me.

Soon after, Jin and J-hope run after Jungkook.

"E-Excuse me, I have to use the restroom." I stand up and walk to the door Jungkook exited out of.

I follow the voices and come across the dressing room.

Jungkook.....WAS talking about me.


"Please don't jump out the window."

Eunhye was standing at the doorframe with a small pout on her face.

"Uh! Wow! I look so good right now. J-hope let's go take some pictures." Jin grabs J-hope's hand and runs out of the room.

I was burning up inside.

You could cook bacon on my stomach.

"I-I-I-uh, wh-what yo-you was u-uh you-yo-you heard th-that much? Did-uh-Didn't you?" I stand up and avoid eye contact with her.

"I heard everything." She says in almost a whisper.


"Oh. Yo-You did. s-see uh I I-I was-"

Eunhye came closer and pushed herself against me for a hug.

A hug.

The feeling of so much weight just left me and I never felt so happy.

I hugged her back with the same amount of force.

She looked at me with obvious tear lines.

"You could've just told me, you big dummy." She laughs joyfully and hugs me again.

I laugh too.

"I actually like this way better."


He said he was in love.

I couldn't hold myself back.

Jungkook pulls away with a red hot face.

"I li-like you, Eunhye." He admits while obviously debating on whether or not he should take my hands.

I laugh heartily and hold his sweaty hands. "I like you a lot too, Jungkook."

"Uh, Eunhye....would you...uh...would you like to be uh..." Jungkook stuffers.

I giggle. "Say the word. You can do it."

He smiles shyly. "My girlfriend?"

I clap my hands like he just learned the alphabet. "Of course!"

He pulls me in for a hug.

2 weeks pass.....

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