I Think I Heard Wedding Bells

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They tried creating the most elite bachelorette party, but with the people that were attending, everything highlighted a disaster.

Angelina ended up in the same space where her mother, Sarah, her half-sister Aileen and her bratty friends, her other half-sister (that she couldn't remember the name of) - and that was basically it. The most tragic it could ever be.

To a point Angelina sat on her own, swiping through her phone as if she was occupied whilst eavesdropping to what Aileen and her clan were gossiping about.

It was about her of course.

"Ceremony says that after the groom wins the fight, he can take on his wife publicly!"

"No, I heard that the bride also has to fight for her position to marry the groom."

"Tradition says?! Who is up to fight for such honorable position –to be Damien's wife!? Shit that sounds so real I can imagine myself fighting this bitch and stripping her of her wedding dress so I can claim her spot."

A scoff.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. That's something I am considering to do. After all, Damien was mine."

"Stop being a thot. His brother is a catch too. He has fewer responsibilities and a shit load of fortune and status."

"Do you think that Damien would actually follow the old tradition and humiliate Angelina in front of everyone?"

"That would be her honor you're talking about."

"Shit if I was in her place I would feel so fucking important that the big capo is- "

"No, no, no, no! But isn't that supposed to be done in private! A special memory in-between them?"

"You are not getting the concept of this tradition. It is supposed to show how man claims the prize he fought for."

"Damn, if I were in her place I would beg for it beforehand."

"You are so disgusting when you say desperate shit so easily."

"Well, anyway, it's going to be nice seeing her get humiliated after what she'd done to Damien in public."

"You're right. There is always a price to pay."

"Believe me there is no price if the capo is fucking you in public. It's a fucking honor."

"What a whore she is."


Hong Kong, China

"I'll give you the name after I receive my payment."

"Too many risks. You give me the name and I'll pay you once I test your veracity." Damien negotiated.

A shake of a head.

"Too much risk on my behalf with that deal." The dealer responded, twitching his brow.

"You came yourself to me after knowing what I was looking for. But you do not want to play by my rules." Damien asserted in Chinese, eyes locked on the man's mismatched eyes.

"I consider this business. I don't play when I am doing work." He finished wiping obsidian blade, polishing it till it reflected the pain it would shudder.

Damien simpered from side to side, shaking his head in disbelief. " The question is...Why would you even want to give me the name? What importance would that serve you? It seems like you have been done wrong by the name that you will give me." Damien probed, his eyes narrowing as his thumb traced down the glass counter, staining it.

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