"Thank you, Sykes. I'll be right back. I headed out of the closet to take a shower.

I did my normal routine, leaving my hair down as usual. I put my hand on my neck to make sure my necklace was there. It was.

I headed out of the bathroom and into Nathan's to see him on the bed playing on his phone. I headed to him and sat next to him.

He was texting away to Ariana about how excited he was about the tour.

I leaned in and kissed behind his ear. He automatically put his phone away and looked at me smiling.

"I love it when you do that." He laughed a bit.

I laughed along and kissed him the same way again.

"Dani. I know this question might sound weird and off-putting in a certain way, but why don't you wear make up like other girls?" He asked, a hint of hope in his voice that it wouldn't offend me.

"Erm. I do very little once in a while. But I don't usually put it."

"That doesn't answer my question, Dani." He said patiently.

I nodded. "Erm. I just don't see the purpose of wearing make up."

He nodded. 

"Do you want me to wear make up?" I asked raising an eye brow.

He looked at me and shook his head. "No. I love you just he way you are. You are beautiful."

He pulled me closer to him. "Good. Because no matter what you said, I wouldn't put the make up for everyday. And no I am not." I poked his nose with the last part.

He laughed as he put my hand down. "You are. End of story."

No point in arguing with Nathan. We'll just end up in play wrestling.

"Dani. Do you miss dad?" Nathan asked innocently.

I looked at him and nodded. "A lot."

"I do too."

I laughed a bit as I ran my finger through my hair to hide the tears that were filling my eyes, "I miss the way he would joke with me. Th-The way he would say I am so much like my Mum. The way he would interrupt my studying just so he can make me smile with that song. The nicknames he would give me are so random. I miss him." 

Nathan chuckled a bit. Not a happy one though. One that was a bit sad and sorrow. "You're telling me. He came up with Sloth and Nat-Han." He looked at me and smiled.

"Nathan?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yes, babe?"

"The song that my dad made me. Would you ever sing it in the future?"

"You mean if we had kids?"

I shrugged. "I guess. But would you sing it to me if I wanted you to?"

He nodded. "Of course. I would sing, dance, wrestle, tickle, anything you want."

I smiled and hugged him. "The song brings me to tears every time."

Nathan nodded, "Same with me. He won't be here to see you change your name. To walk you down the aisle."

"Y-yeah. But he'll be watching over me." Nathan began to play with my hand, tracing lines.

"Do you think he's proud of me, Dani?" 

"Of course he is, Sykes. He always knew you would make a career in music. Only if you just stepped out of your shy shell you had when you were in 7th."

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