Chapter 6

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And here I thought being nice should always make you feel good but being nice to Sharon is just as bad as being hit by Dahdi .

Disha convinced me to let Diya and Sharon use the bathrooms first since they were our guests. Well I won't complain much about Diya, since she only follows what Sharon says or does. But if I began to complain about Sharon, then god knows how many days it would take.

Diya came out the bathroom within 15 minutes and had an excuse of saying it was hard to use the bathroom taps. But Sharon took atleast half an hour in that bathroom getting dressed up. I only took like a 5 minute shower and getting dressed took another five minutes, so what was this Sharon doing? 

After about 2 hours, finally all the girls met downstairs, and unfortunately we had all missed the family breakfast. As all four of us sat at the table, my mother approached us with roti and some bean curry. As she served bean curry to Sharon and Disha, the look on their faces predicted they were about to throw up.

Sharon somehow overcame her grossness and kindly requested my mother for toast. Aunty Roop was in the kitchen and she laughed when she heard from mum that her girls requested toast. In order for Aunty Roop's plans to work she insisted that the girls requests from today on wards should be ignored and therefore poor them, no English breakfast for today.

"Arg!This is so annoying, Why is mum making us do this? And what is this curry?", Sharon complained.

Diya looked towards her food and replied to Sharon. "Sis, I never knew such kind of food was eaten for breakfast".

Me and Disha just tried as hard as we could not to laugh or even smile.Hearing their conversation and their dumb comments on our lifestyle was making me more and more envious to transform them.

So after breakfast I decided we would head straight down to the bazaar.My friend Jigar's father owns their own sari store and it was the best place to begin our shopping.
Jigar was the only guy my brothers allowed me to talk to since we all knew his family for quite a long time. When we were little, Jigar always used to come over to our place and play with us or watch movies.

I still remember that day when I was 12 and Sharon and Diya had come to visit us over the summer breaks. It was Jigar's first time meeting these girls and he had hated Sharon's guts. So we used to always talk behind her back and laugh at everything She and Diya did. One day we were all out playing in the garden when Sharon and Jigar were left on their own. Jigar suddenly started to curse Sharon on her behaviour and soon their sarcastic comments turned into a huge argument. They both started screaming at each other and yelling out how much they hated each others lifestyle.

Well that was the last day Sharon had ever come to visit us. Aunty Roop would often come, but the girls always stayed back in Mumbai,refusing to ever see Jigar's face again. This kind of made Jigar stop visiting our house, as he claimed that Sharon had hurt his feelings and calling him poor merchants lonely son had really bought his self-esteem down.

Well Jigar is now living a grand life. He runs his father's shop and not only does he run it but had successfully opened a huge shop in one of Mumbai's biggest malls. He loves this village too much and therefore only goes to visit his shop in Mumbai once or twice in a month.

I decided maybe Jigar could also help us with the plan since his the only guy I trust and shopping from his store would always be cheap because he gives us discounts. But it's going to be a tough job convincing him to join forces with me in helping out his worst enemy.

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