Chp. 17 "Recruiting"

Start from the beginning

And honestly, they had nothing to be worried about in the first place.

Avery's hand soon found its way into my lap and curled her fingers through mine, causing me to glance at her and smile. She spoke, "Do you know that we most likely would've never become what we are now if we hadn't been assigned partners in science?"

I smiled, remembering the day she had been assigned my partner and how nervous I had been. I nodded, "You're right, I would've never found out how smart and oddly weird you are."

She shoved me again, "And I would've never found out that you were a superhuman freak that can control electricity and heal from the fatalist wounds."

I sighed, "You think I'm a superhuman freak?"

She leaned over, kissing my neck and almost causing me to swerve off the road, "I think you're a hot superhuman freak..."

I pulled up to my house and cupper her face in my hands, resuming the heated kiss Max had interrupted in the school parking lot. I gripped the back of her neck slightly and kissed her, causing another slight moan to escape her throat.

I mumbled, "At least I'm hot."

She laughed out loud, making my heart race at the sound of it, "At least..."

I pulled her into my house and up to my room, packing a bag of clothes for tonight and tomorrow for school. Avery was just sitting on my bed watching me as I moved around my room, which for the record made me extremely nervous for some reason. I finished up and zipped my bag, looking at her from my doorframe, "Are we leaving?"

She shrugged, "I really like your room."

I tilted my head, smiling slightly, "Is that all?"

She smirked, standing and walking over to me cooly, causing my heart to race instantly. Her hands gently landed on my hips as her lips were close to my ear, "And I love watching you move..."

I closed my eyes as her warm, minty breath tickled my ear. She was driving me crazy all week doing things like this to me and I couldn't help but go crazy every time she did it. She was purposely doing it because she knew how to set me off, and I knew I had to keep my cool. I didn't want her to think I wasn't able to control myself, but frankly, I was sucking majorly at it today.

Then suddenly I couldn't control myself, and I dropped my bag suddenly and pressed her against the wall. My lips found her neck as my hands gripped her waist firmly, kissing her soft skin as I listened to her breathe heavily. I whispered, "You've got to stop doing this to me Avery..."

She looked up at me as I pulled away, "But I like you doing this..." her pleading eyes made my heart melt and I smiled.

She was really something else.

I kissed her lips once more, whispering, "Thank gosh I can't die from a heart attack."

She smiled as I picked up my bag, allowing both of us to regain posture and head for the door. She sighed and spoke, "Andy... I don't think I've ever felt this strong about anyone in my life."

I looked at her, letting my hand slide right into hers and smiled, "I know how you feel. Usually people think I'm weird and never give me a second look, but you... you did."

She smiled, "How could I not? Look at you..."

I knew she was complimenting my appearance but that never really got me anywhere with anyone. People usually thought I was the standoffish type of person, when in reality I was probably the friendliest person you could meet.

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