Christmas special part 1

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Because there's 4 days left until Christmas I thought, I'm gonna make an short story that goes on for 4 days. Hope you's like it and the story line. :)

Louis: heyy who wants some dickkkyyy

Niall: Mee cause I'm gayyyyy

Michael: Can I just appreciate what Ashton did

Luke: what did he do?


Calum: eh I guess he is

Ashton: don't get butthurt cal

Harry: omg I just, Niall private message me pleaseeeee

Niall: uh okay?

Niall & Harrys private messages

Harry: Niall, I have this big surprise for Louis and I just have to tell someone what it is before I go and tell Louis myself !!!

Niall: okay

Harry: at least act EXCITED jeezzz

Niall: sorry I'm sick, can't exactly act happy when I have more than a chest infection

Harry: well I won't be telling you gosh

Niall: whatever

Harry & Liam's private chat




Liam: YO

Harry: okay so I have a secret that I have for Louis and it's a surprise but I have to tell someone before I explode and tell Louis myself

Liam: you can trust me hazza, what is it?

Harry: YAY at least your more excited than Niall he wanted nothing to do with it

Liam: typical Niall when his sick, acts like a white chick on her period ( A/N I am a white chick on my period this doesn't count as affensive cause I'm describing myself )

Harry: true true

Harry: welllll, just before johannah passed away she wrote a letter to Louis saying happy birthday and how much she loves him. AND HAHAHAHA OMG I WALKED INTO MY HOUSE AND MY MUM IS BLASTING WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL JESUS MUM

Harry: sorry got a bit off topic there and yeah I wanted to give it to him on his birthday, will he like it do you think?

Omg Anne is GOALS AF my mum wouldn't be that fun. & yeah ofc he will. He misses her so much I know that so reading this will give him a bit of closure and all. Even after the funeral and all he isn't the best.

Harry: YEAH agreed.

Group chat with everyone

Calum: that was the funniest day of my life man. LA IS THE BEST

Ashton: agreed but I wanted to spend Christmas with the fam

Calum: my mum hates me I know she does lol

Ashton: don't say that, she loves you just cause you don't have enough money to go back here doesn't mean you should be begging her for it cal. She's just as broke as you.

Calum: doubt it. She just doesn't want me home.

Michael: it sucks not having YOu here though :/

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