The present was stuffed with various hair-dyes, different coloured socks, candies, and a box of chocolates from 'someone who thinks you're cool'.

Alex immediately trained his gaze on Magnus, who was blushing something terrible. His eyes softened slightly, as he got up and sat over beside the einherji and planted a small kiss on his cheek. "Thanks, Maggie."

Magnus, somehow, went more red as he mumbled out a response.

"Alllrighty! Mallory, if you will?" Sam continued on, camera going to focus on the red-head.

Digging into her presents, she found an abundance of new knives and throwing axes, as well as a rose from 'The Idiot you Love'. Turning a little red, Mallory turned to look at Halfborn and muttered out a classic insult/term of endearment- "thick-skulled idiot."

Blitzen rolled his eyes, thumb lightly rubbing over Hearth's as the two sat close as can be.

"Halfborn, your turn!" Sam sing-songed, passing his oversized present.

Inside was a new lion-skin, rolled up around one of Mallory's favourite knives. Her defense was "I can be romantic too!"

Halfborn shut her up with a kiss, and reassurance that he loved it.

Sam sighed. "Magnus, your turn."

Inside Magnus's box was a hair-tie, a tie, a scarf not unlike the one Hearthstone constantly wore, and a leather necklace with a bead on it. "The necklace is from your cousin," Blitzen supplied. "She mailed it to the Hotel... somehow."

"Hearth's turn!" Samirah happily exclaimed, turning and offering up the candy-cane striped gift-bag.

Inside was some hair dye, a new bag for his runes, a tøp beanie, a P!ATD wristband, a Fall Out Boy t-shirt, and a set of headphones that glowed with the beat. The joy on Hearth's face as he tugged on the beanie, and the kiss planted on Blitzen's cheek afterwards, made the whole ordeal of making those head-phones worth it. (He still was finding ducks and geese scattered about.)

"Blitzen's turn!" Magnus shouted, throwing the box towards the svartalf.

"Cool down, wouldja Magnus?" Blitz huffed in a teasing manner.

Ripping into the wrapping paper, he found a white suit with a red and gold embroidered rose on the right-hand side, a black tie with little hearts on it, a box of sewing supplies, and a small bag of a rare metal he had been looking for for at least four months.

He broke into a huge grin, twirling the tie back up. "Thanks kids."

"Blitz, are you crying?" Alex coyly teased.

"No! What gave you that impression?" He defended, swiping at his eyes quickly.

Samirah chuckled, camera catching the entire exchange.


Long after the rest of the presents had been opened and Christmas dinner had been served, the group sat in piles around the fireplace.

They all enjoyed their presents, they all loved the food, now the only thing missing was some sleep. But first... Blitzen mused, thumbing the last present, still in his pocket.

"Hey Sam, go get your camera for a sec, please?" Blitz requested, watching her crane her neck around to find it and then weakly reach out.

Her fingers lightly brushed over the wrist-strap, hooking it and dragging the camera close. She picked it up and proffered it to Blitzen.

"Nah. I just need you to record something real quick." An irritated huff escaped her lips, as she rolled over onto her belly and started recording.

Lightly nudging Hearth, Blitz discreetly signed to him go stand in front of the fire and face away please?

Confused, the elf agreed, his red nose long since rubbed off. Hearthstone rose to a standing position, followed by Blitzen. The taller of the two moved before the fire, back towards Blitz.

Cautiously, he pulled out the velvet box in his pocket, eyeing it nervously before going down on his knee.

The air was tense as Magnus slowly signalled for Hearth to turn. He did so, looking down at the dwarf confused for only a second before realization dawned in his blue eyes.

He gasped softly, watching Blitzen's shaky hands talk for him. H, buddy. We've been with each-other three years now, yeah? And, well, I figured now was as good a time as any. It just felt right, you know?  Well, what I guess I'm trying to get at is... will you... marry me?

Gently, Blitz opened the box and held it out, afraid to look at Hearthstone for once in his life.

The blond elf's hands shook as he gently took the box, pulling out the ring and softly setting the box down on the mantlepiece.

The ring was made of silver and gold, your standard engagement ring with the diamonds and shiny bedazzlement. But, upon closer examination, Hearth saw several familiar runes- perthos being a prominent one- and on the inside of the band, he saw his name, engraved very carefully in Blitzen's neat and tidy writing.

Hearth nearly started crying then and there as a faint whisper of something he hoped sounded like a 'yes' came from between his lips. Abandoning all care, Hearthstone threw himself at Blitzen, sobbing and babbling incoherent things. In the chaos, Blitz's antlers had flown off into the shadows.

Almost as if a flip had been switched, Blitz tugged his boyfriend- no, fiancé if this reaction was anything to go by- closer, he himself shedding tears.

Samirah smiled softly, watching the exchange happen. "They really are a cute couple... Merry Christmas, guys," she murmured, flicking the camera off.

More A/N: WOOHOO! I UPDATED! And look, now my sweet gays are getting married and all will be happy.
I'm posting before Christmas, mostly because I'm busy during actual Christmas and I really want to.
Consider this my Christmas present to my lovely readers, and an extra special 'get well soon!' To MessyTheAuthor
The Great Kale Goddess has now gone to sleep (because I finished this at midnight wHOOPS!)
PS: I ain't ever seen Hamilton. Nor heard the music. Sue me.

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