"I told you that you're mine."

"I know I am."

"Well you seemed to be enjoying that far too fucking much for my liking." She growls into my ear as she straddles me, dragging her tongue from my earlobe to the base of my neck and then sucking on it roughly.

"I-I wasn't."

"Yes you were; do I need to remind you that you're mine?" She whispers against my neck before biting down on my collar bone and then sucking on it.

"H-how are you going to remind me?"

"I'm going to make you scream my name so loud that everyone in here knows that you're mine." She says, sliding her hand into the front of my jeans and then pressing her lips against mine, parting my lips with her tongue before grazing it against mine.

"N-not in here Lauren."

"Why not?"

"Because people can clearly see what we're doing." I mumble as my hands land on her ass in an attempt to stop her from grinding against me.

"Aw don't you want people to see." She whispers into my ear as the slowly begins to rub my clit over my underwear.

"No I don't." I say, grabbing her hand and then pulling it out of my jeans. "Fucking hell Lauren jealousy makes you crazy."

"No, watching another woman all over my girlfriend and the fact that she was using my money to pay for me is making me like this!" She screams at me before getting off me and then storming towards the exit. "Am I not enough for you now?!" She screams, walking out as I let out a groan before standing up and running my fingers through my hair. Rachel and Shawn walk towards me, both looking extremely happy.

"What's wrong with her?" Rachel asks, resting her head on my shoulder as Dinah walks towards us.

"Jealousy, again." I say, brushing Rachel head off me and then chasing after Lauren, I run outside and stand in the door way, the security guard points to his left. I glance to where he's pointing and Lauren is leaning against the wall a few feet away from the door. I quietly thank him before letting out a sigh and then walking towards her; she turns to face me and blows out a cloud of smoke.

"What do you want?" She mumbles, rolling the cigarette between her index finger and her middle finger while staring at the ground.

"When did you start smoking?" I ask, standing next to her and then leaning against the wall, she flicks ash on the ground before turning to face me, glaring at me and then taking another drag. "Where did you even get that from?"

"I put a spare packet of the ones you like in my bag in case you ran out." She mumbles, taking another drag and then dropping it on the ground before standing on it. "I figured you'd probably forget to bring some on this fucking walk, so I picked them up before we left."

"You're so thoughtful Lauren." I say, smiling at her but then rolling my eyes when she glares at me.

"And you're not." She replies, glaring at me again. "You think it's perfectly fine to get a lap dance in front of your girlfriend, as well as asking her for money for the fucking lap dance!" She yells at me, throwing her arms in the air before growling slightly.

"Lauren I was having fun, I'm sorry okay, I love you and I'm yours, no one else's."

"I hate you right now you know that right?"

"I know, but can I have a kiss?" I ask, looking up at her and pouting at her, she just shakes her head at me before smiling at me and then pressing her lips against mine. I smile against her lips

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