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*Striving to keep going, not gonna back down now.*

A picture of their Aunt Rose to the right... Or wherever it is :)


       "You're not going to die, we;re probably wrong anyways"    assured Brooklyn.

     "You don't know that! What if it is them...?"  asked a trembling Ashley.

Suddenly the doorbell rang echoing throughout the silent house.  "Who could that be...? One of the guys maybe?"  asked Olivia.   "I'll go check, if it's trouble then they're probably looking for me. I am the oldest anyways." said Ashley with sudden confidence. Olivia and Brooklyn were hesitant to let her go answer the floor, but Ashley was already at the door.

                 Suddenly the door opened with a sudden gust of wind knocking Ashley on the floor hitting the sofa with a loud thud. The walls started to frost surrounding us with an unbearable frozen temperature.  "Ahh... It's been a long time girls. Did you miss me?" said a woman's voice coming from the hall.  "Aunt Rose..."  gasped Olivia as the woman started walking towards them frosting the floor with every step she takes.  "Hello children... I hoped you did miss me... Right?"  she asked. None of the girls answered. " I asked you a question..." she said rudely as she raised a perfectly arched eyebrow.  

         "We will nicely ask you to leave us in peace. Please Aunt Rose I'm begging you just leave!" asked Brooklyn.  "I was actually thinking that I would stay here for a few days, you know until your enhancement is done." she said with a deep chuckle as her ice blue eyes seemed to glow. "Please Aunt Rose, we'd all be better off if you just leave now." pleaded Brooklyn.  "Shut up you useless child! I stay if I wan't too... All your whining wont help at all." smirked Aunt Rose as she struck Brooklyn with a swift snap of the wrist, leaving Brooklyn shivering uncontrollably on the ground.  "She never was for any good, you were always better Olivia." she said as her eyes were twinkling with amusement.  "Please Aunt Rose, you don't belong with us. We all know good and evil aren't supposed to mix, we don;t want any commotion in the family." said Olivia as she tried to convince her.  "Then again... Ashley was always predicted to have some type of water, weather, or ice power. I suppose she could work better then you Olivia."   she said as she froze Olivia's body still making her body go ice cold.  She walked over to Ashley who was still knocked out from the hit to the sofa. She put her hand on Ashley's cheek, with the touch Ashley's whole body went pale.  "Hmm I wonder if I could use this little one." she said with her frosted blue eyes inspecting over her like an item for sale.

          "Well girls I'll be going now, I have to get ready to prepare everything for your enchantment. I hope you're all as excited as me! When I get back I wan't to see this house fixed for my stay, you girls have an absolute mess."  she said clicking her tongue as she slammed the door behind her. As soon as she left all the ice from the walls and all around crashed to the ground into pieces, including Olivia's frozen body. Olivia fell to the ground  "Brooklyn! Wake up, are you OK?!" she said crawling over to her and shaking her body. Suddenly the color of healthy flesh ran back through Brooklyn's body.  "What about Ashley? Is she ok?"  asked Brooklyn. They ran over to Ashley's still pale body,  "it'll take awhile for her to get warm again, but she'l be okay."  answered Olivia picking up Ashley's body and putting her on the sofa.  "Go get the covers, and I'll get a fire starting." said Olivia.

                Not either girl knew what was coming their way, and neither girl knew the danger of their soon upcoming enchantment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2014 ⏰

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