~The New Girl~

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*Hi! Thanks for commenting on my story. Thanks for supporting me and all the help! I figured the plot should unrole itself as it goes on, so it will take a while. A picture of Olivia to your right!!!*


~ Matthew ~

      Okay, I'm going to tell him, but then again I don't think I have enough courage.  "Okay, on three lets say it."  I said.  "Um, like one three, before three, or after three?"  asked Alex.  "What? Um, we're gonna' be like, one... Two... Say it!"  I explained.  "Okay, so we really don't say three."  He nodded in agreement.  "One... Two... I've been dreaming about a girl!"  They said in chorus. They stared at each other with wide eyes,  "Dude, how long have you been single?"  asked Alex.  "Oh no buddy, don't even go there!"  I replied. Alex just turned his head and laughed,  "Hey Matt, we better have a damn good excuse to be late!"  said Alex as he pointed at the time. "Crap." I mumbled under my breath as I turned on the truck. As I started to drive to school I described her to Alex, "She has black hair with purple streaks, and she has... Dude you're not going to believe me but she has purple eyes!" I said. "No way." he denied. "Yes way! I think..."  After some short silence Alex said, "Mine has green eyes."  "Uh-huh..." I encouraged him.  "Black hair, teal streaks. She's a caramel cutie."  he said smiling. We arrived, I parked in the last available space left.  "Kay, lets bounce!"  I said unlocking the doors, Alex just sat there with wide eyes. I shoved him a little,  "Dude, don't you see her! She's the one that you've been dreaming of!"  he snapped back. He pointed out the window, yep, black hair with purple streaks. But her hair was curly, well I guess it was because of the rain. Only one thing, from here it looked like her eyes were brown... Weren't they purple? She swung her purple checkered backpack over her shoulder, dang everything was purple with this chick! She took a step forward with grace, then she turned her head over to look directly at us.  "Oh crap!"  Alex said, he quickly flung me down from view with him.  "Hey, dude why did you do that?"  I asked pissed off. Alex just rolled his eyes and laughed.

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