^~o~^ <--mustache man

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*I"m finishing it up! Apparently I've found out no matter how much I try I can't be invisible. I tried for one day to wipe off the surface of the earth without anybody noticing... I failed. (Ive been quite nervous about some things :(* 

~ Matthew ~ (P.O.V.)

       The doorbell rang. I ran to go open it and there stood Olivia with an amazing grin spreading across her face. Hehe she had chubby cheeks like a squirrel! She had changed into an orange flower print spaghetti strap, and white skinny jeans hugging on to her graceful curves. They weren't very noticeable curves, but they were there and they made her look perfect. I found her blushing, oops! Was I staring that long for her to notice?! MY BAD! She quickly made her eyes looked glazed, she looked like a lost puppy! All innocent and all...  "Hello sir, can i speak to your son Matthew?" She said in an almost whisper. I gave her a confused look, I knew what she was trying to do... But you can't fool me Olivia! She started giggling and her chubby cheeks were forming a light pink.  "I was just kidding!" she bit on her bottom lip to stop from laughing. She hugged me as I welcomed her in my home, I chuckled with an evil idea coming through my mind. It's time to play the 'Wait...What?!' game.

"Come in, you can take a seat but take your clothes off." I welcomed her, with an evil glint forming in my eyes. She walked through the door, and passed me inside the house. Just a couple seconds now... She stopped in her steps, and turned around.  "Wait... What?!" she said with a bewildered look on her face. I held back my laughter, trying to not smile or blush. I stifled a laugh, oops! I tried to cover it up with a cough. "I was kidding! You don't have to take a seat!" I said while swatting my hand in the air. She just stood there giving me the 'What the actually fuck' look, she crossed her arms. "Fine you can keep your clothes on!" I said putting my hands up in surrender. I ended in a fit of laughter, she just looked at me. "Yeah yeah, soo funny eh?" she said turning around, to sit ont he arm of the couch. I stopped laughing and put my serious face on, "But rules in th house, you at least have to strip your pants off." I said looking down at her white skinny jeans, pointing at the zipper.

I guess she fell for my serious look because she blushed a scarlet red, self consciences waved all over her. That hurt me, that she didn't know how breath taking she was to me. "Are you serious?" she asked me. I nodded, "Yep! No pantsy fancy Wednesday!" I said popping the p. I heard her sigh a breath of relief, "Oh thank God it's Thursday! I know which day I'm not coming over now!" I had lay-ed back with my eyes closed, now my eyes shot wide open at her statement. "It's Thursday?!" she just nodded giggling. Fuck! My plan failed miserably! I faced palmed myself making her laugh, at that momment her phone vibrated in her back pocket. She stuck her tounge out and squeezed her eyes shut. "Annoying sister..." she sighed as she sagged her shoulders. I watched her reaction turn to panic as she read the text. She started hypervenataling with wide eyes that pained me to see, "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry but I have to go home!" she hugged me and waited at the door for me to say something. "Erm yeah, sure it's fine. It really must be important so... Go." I said stuffing my hands in my pockets. She gave me an appoligetic smile before she took off.

  Well... I at least got to see her, right?

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