~Janitors closet... Or not~

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*Well sorry for the little false hope for SOME *cough cough* FAITH. But, um well... Here ya go! My relationship between One Direction, and Alex : Mariah Carey - Touch my body ;) *


~Harper~ (P.O.V.)

        "Matt, lets go get them then."  "Okay, leggo." he said. We were bored so we decided to go mess with the girls in their classes. We decided to go torture Brooklyn first, since she was closer. I was sort of surprised to see her already outside on her phone. "Oh, hey dudes!" she said. She popped up from the floor, "Livvie is out of class and right around the corner. Lets go!" She started leading the way, huh. I though they were goody-goody two shoes, and isn't this their first day at this school? Maybe I was wrong...

~Olivia~ (P.O.V.)

          "Hey hoe." I called as I saw Brook, coming from around the corner. She smiled, "Oh, hey babes!" I said noticing Matt and Harper behind her. Matthew blushed, and Harper winked at me. "Hey Livvie." they both said, I smiled and got up from sitting down against the wall. Brook and Matthew were slowly pacing in the hall, Jalapeno came over to me. "Come on spicy shit." I said teasing him on his nick name as he chuckled. "Oh so he your new boyfriend, huh?" teased Brooklyn, she heard me teasing Harper. Harper blushed with his eyes wide, but Matthew looked a little hurt... Wait hurt? Nah, i'm just imagining things! "No." I said a little too quickly. "I mean, no. We're just friends! Come on, how much of a low life do you think I am? Stealing Ashley's hot sauce... Ugh." I said getting a laugh from them all. "Hm about Alex, I don't think S.B. fits him." I said, "Oh what about Angel Boy? A.B.?" offered Brooklyn? Only she would think of that, she loves that dude! To be truth full, to me he resembles a polar bear! Or no, he looks like a moose, nah a turtle! Ugh... He's a fucked up mix of everything! I shook my head, "What about, Mixed up mofo? Wait! No, U.B.!" I said in victory of a new nick name. "U.B.?" Harper had a confused look. "... Ugly Beast!" said Matthew, what can i tell ya'? Great minds think alike! "Yea' buddy!" I said as I high-fived him. "Come on, lets go mess with U.B." I led the way to his class, I knew where it was because I crept out on his schedule. Room #105.

~Alex~ (P.O.V.)

        "Moomahermoo!!!" I yelled as I was running around acting like a horse/cow/dog/cat. "What the actual fuck?!" I heard someone laughing as I turned around. "Oh hay there!" I was blushing totally embarrassed. "U.B. you are so weird and crazy!" said Olivia bending over, clutching her stomach from laughing. I chuckled, my voice was pretty deep so it sounded sexy to my own ears. "Wait... U.B.? You mean S.B." I corrected her. "Oh yeah, S.B. doesn't fit you. So we decided..."  Brook interrupted her, "She decided that it would be U.B." she said while accusingly pointing at Livvie. "But... But... I am a sexy beast!!!" I whined with a  pout on my face. "Well too bad! Now you're ugly!" laughed Olivia, well she's so king huh?! "Oh! So nice huh?" I said sarcastically. "You're an evil little pickle!" I said just making her laugh harder. Harper just dragged Matt and Brooklyn along to go get Ashely. I started walking after them while, Olivia still lingered behind still laughing.

~Ashely~ (P.O.V.)

          I was sitting on the floor texting Harper,  "TO: Mi~Jalapeno : I hate how chocolate immediately melts on my fingers, like damn am I really that hot?" I pressed send and closed my phone. After a short while, down the hall I heard Harper laugh. "Ha! Damn I love this chick!" I blushed, does he really... Or was he jus saying that as a friend? Al five of my hoes were walking towards me in the hall. "Hey come on, lets go hang somewhere else." offered Livvie waving me over to her. I nodded, got up and joined them. he probably doesn't love me like that, but I love my dude.

~Brooklyn~ (P.O.V.)

        As we were going to the bathroom, Alex walked over to me. "If you were a potato, you'd be a good potato." I randomly said. "You'd be a sexy potato, and I'd peel you slowly" he said winking at me. I giggled, "Brook call me nachos, and you can be my cheese" he said. "BAHAHAHA such a 'cheesy' line!" I said laughing even harder. He chuckled, his deep voice making it sound super sexy. "Don't you ever change Alex."  "But... I'm a transformer!" he wailed. He made me laugh so hard I could barely breathe.

~Harper~ (P.O.V.)

         When we got to the bathrooms, Ashely took my hand and led me to the janitors closet. As we walked in I thought 'well, time for some action'. She hesitated, but pushed me to the wall. She leaned on to me, but then she stopped. "Look at my glow in the dark watch." she suddenly said her minty cold but warm breath tickled my neck. I was shocked, so I made the move. I started to lean into her as i pushed her back to the wall. She put her hand in mine pulling me closer to her, I gently grabbed her waist. I slowly breathed in her scent, making her get small goosebumps on her neck. She bit her lip, her hands were playing with my hair getting me closer to her lips. She hesitated, "isn't it awesome?" she asked. I just nodded, she blushed a deep red. I leaned in to kiss her but she moved away. She started leading me out of the dark closet, "Ashely... But wa-wait what bout'...?" I started but she just seemed embarrassed. Man, just my luck.

~Matthew~ (P.O.V.)

      "Hey Livvie, here's my number so we can text and stuff..."  "Mkay, thanks. So... You got a girl or something?" she asked me. "Like...?"  "Well, you know... Someone like, 'special' to you." she said nervously. 'Oh yeah, you since you came. I mean, no biggy. Just been on my mind like all freaking day!' I wanted to say. Instead I found myself saying something totally wrong and stupid, "Yeah."  She winced like I had hurt her in some way, "Oh. Okay, well bye." She started walking away, I went around the corner of the bathrooms. "What. Did. I. Just. Do!" I said shaking my head at myself in shame. "You. Ugly. Stupid. Looking. Troll." I told myself as I banged my head on the wall. Ugh.

~Alex~ (P.O.V.)

        First and all most, i have to promote Justin Timberlake. That's all. I was twirling one of Brooks strands of hair, when she put a sticky note on her forehead. "Do. Not. Touch." she wrote on it, I just kept right on playing with her hair. "Did you not just read the note?" she asked me. I nodded without looking at her, "i still touch things that say, 'Don't touch' cuz' I'm a fearless bastard." I said calmly. "Ooh, so hardcore!" said jalapeno sarcastically. "Yeah I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life choose me." I said smiling, holding back my laugh. She just busted into a laugh, my cheese looks so angel-like when she laughs.

~Ashely~ (P.O.V.)

             Ugh! I chickened out, I was so gonna' kiss him though! Why am I such a coward, why is he such a tease? Oh well, I guess there's another time I could try. Meanwhile, i'll make sure I don't make the same mistake twice! I mean, I never make the same mistake twice... I make them five or six times. You know, just to make sure.

~Olivia~ (P.O.V.)

     Wow. Okay, so he is with someone. I knew it! So I have no absolute chance with him. Next best thing I guess is his number, which I already have. Good enough I guess, I texted him : "TO: Matthew ~  I wonder what goes inside your head when you hear my name..." Instantly he texted me back. "FROM: Matthew ~ Glory, heaven, amazing, wow! Oh... And olives! :D " I laughed at his text, ugh. He's a human, I can't be feeling like this for him. Why'd the Night World have to be so strict?!

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