~Dangerous love~

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*Haven't been updating! It's hard to come up with the story along as you go, please excuse my slow brain. This part of the story will be pretty sloppy. Hope ya' like it, I miss my hoes! Comment and vote. Follow me, i might follow back?*


~Alex~ (P.O.V.)

        Ugh Harper won't answer me! That little fag probably doesn't even know that I'm wasting my time,  on his ass trying to look for him! Where in Gods name could he be? You know I'm going to go check over at his 'Bleh' place. I'm the only one he has told about his private place... So far. I slid off my bed and put on my shoes, I got up and grabbed my coat from the chair. As soon as I stepped outside my phone vibrated in my sock. I looked at the caller I.D, half of me hoping that it was Harper calling, and the other half of me wanting it to be Brooklyn. *Harper~Jalapeno* it blared on the brightly lit screen. I picked up the call, "Where the fuck are you hiding?!" I answered quickly before he could speak.

     "Well hello to you too Alex" he responded sarcastically, in his raspy voice. Did he just wake up? "Well... Whats up? What do you want you little wank?" I added jokingly, I got back a "Haha" from him. I can imagine him rolling his eyes at me. "Ya' know what I really could go for right about now? Hmm how about an extra large serving of 'HELP'!!!" He yelled through the phone, making me drop my phone on the ground. I picked it back up from the ground "Um... Hello?" i heard from the other line. "You didn't have to YELL!!!!" I yelled back hoping he'd get the same shocked reaction. "Ugh! Well sorry that I got jumped by some sorta' paranormal shit... Well hell i'm not even sure what or who beat the shit outta' me!" his voice cracked.

      How much do you want to bet that he was at his bleh place? "Um alright where are you right now?" I asked already knowing the answer. "I'm at the 'bleh'" he answered. "Okay and um how bad are you feeling right now? Did they leave you pretty bad or...?" I asked him with worry stuck in my throat. "They left me like, pretty bad. What I'm talking about is like I think that they left me some natural purple blush on..." he said as I could hear him grunt, as he touched probably a bruise. How long has he been there all ready? "I've been here for like two hours tops now" he said answering my question like if he knew what I was thinking. I started think how much bad is, pretty bad?  "Um alright dude, I'll see you there mkay?" I said getting ready to hang up already walking to the 'bleh' place. "Alright dude, remember to bring the necessary!" he said before hanging up. Wait... What would be 'the necessary' for this time?! I don't know, and I don't have time for this so i just went to his rescue.

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