~ Shy girl+Flirty dude=? ~

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*Hi beautiful people, do you think I should make the chapters bigger? Shout out! Go check out @beautifulnerd25 @boobearluv1 @michelle2089 and check out  @embrace_passion thanks for supporting me! Oh the right is a picture of Ashely!!!*


~Ashely~ (P.O.V.)

        S.B.? Jalapeno? What the fuck, what type of nick names are those!? Although they're weird, their better than the nick name my sisters gave me. Assly, it usually did describe me. See I don't speak much, and the reason for that is simply when I do, I say or the wrong thing. So I just keep hidden, portending and convincing myself that I don't exist. At that moment someone came in through the door, "Hey ladies!"  said the boy while laughing.  "My. Dear. Lord."  I whispered to Brooklyn.  "Well, hello there..."  said Brook obviously slowly checking him out. He was very fit, he looked Hispanic and he has dark skin. Or not that dark skinned, he was just like a medium, well toasted, yummy and Delicious, and craving bread. Yep that about sums it up. He was wearing a green Aeropastale shirt, with grey sweat pants hanging a little low, showing some of his v-line. He had curly, made to be straight with gel. He had a little bit of facial hair, which made him look a bit more older. It still made him look sexy though. His eyes were brown, you could easily get lost in them like a maze. With all of that going on, he still yet had a flirty look on his face, with a stunning cunning smile. I let out a flirty growl full of lust, I was utterly surprised at myself.  "Hey, I'm Ashely that's Brooklyn and that's Olivia." I spoke up introducing everybody. He gave me his million dollar smile, "Hey."  he said in a quite voice.  "Let me guess, you're Jalapeno. Cuz' you sure do look hot and spicy..."  I trailed off. He blushed,  "Well you're a smart one."  he winked at me. Okay calm down Ashely. You havn't screwed up yet! Play it cool... I thought. He took the seat next to me, and he smiled at me. I let out a huge breath making my bangs flow to the side revealing my eyes. Was I really holding my breath the whole time?

  ~Harper~ (P.O.V.)

      She is so beautiful! I mean, yes they're all gorgeous but something just caught my attention. My eye candy. She's shy, her long blond hair with pink streaks covered her eyes. She blew her bangs a little, so I could see her eyes. They were blue, like a very calming but seductive blue. For some reason I remember her from somewhere, a dream maybe? No! It can't be... could it? Whatever, but you know that moment when you're happy for no reason? Well, it's like that but I'm happy because of her.  "I almost have your classes printed out, but we just need to wait for Alex."  said Ms. Alice from behind the desk. Everybody just nodded to show that they had heard her. I just simply wanted to know if I had Ashely for my classes, or so I hoped so.

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