~Kicked out already?~

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  • Dedicated to Kaylee Barrera

*So... I was thinking to ditch this story, so I would like to get your opinion. The first person to guess Ashely ring tone, i will dedicate this story to them! And follow you and read your storys and share you and etc.*


~Harper~ (P.O.V.)

        The whole time during third elective, I wondered what Ashely was doing... Or thinking. "Harper, please read us the following chapter."  asked Ms.Bentz.  I turned to face Matthew next to me,  "Dude. What page are we on?"  "Um well see, I have no freaking idea."  he answered. I sighed, shit I'm in trouble, I thought. At that moment, Ashely came in the room. "God sent me an angel, from the heavens above!" I sang. She laughed, "Ms.Tasha sent me to give this to Harper."  she said handing me an envelope. I watched her walk out the door, and through the window she winked at me. I smiled as I opened up the envelope. Inside there was a note, I opened it and read it to myself. I laughed so hard I fell out of my seat.

~Matthew~ (P.O.V.)

          "Dude, what the..."  I helped Harper up back to his seat.  "OMG I love this girl!"  he said laughing. I raised an eyebrow at him, "Okay, okay... Here, read it." he said trying to stop laughing. I looked around, everyone was looking at us. Including the teacher. "Hey, jalapeno. Call/text me!!! -->728-8628 ~ Ashely."  it read. I looked over at Harper with wide eyes, we started laughing. We soon got kicked out of class, together.

~Ashely~ (P.O.V.)

        "Ashely, please stop interrupting or get out."  said Ms.Tasha. You know what? Fuck this shit, I thought as I got up and went out. Once I shut the door my phone rang, "Girl I see it in your eyes, you're disappointed. Cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed, with your heart. i tore it apart. And girl, what a mess I made upon your innocence. And no woman in the world deserves this, but here I am, asking you for one more chance... Can we fall... One more time? Stop the tape, and rewind! Oh, and if you walk away I know I'll fade. Cause there is nobody else, its gotta be you... Only you! Its gotta be you... Only you!!! Hey!"  I let it finish as I sang along, nobody is worthy to interrupt my beautiful ring tones!  I looked at my Iphone,  "Me Jalapeno~ New message"  it said on the screen.  "It's Harper!" I squealed in excitement.

~Alex~ (P.O.V.)

        Ugh, I'm so BORED! Something smells fishey... Hehe, fishy fishay! Or... Actually, shrimpy shrimpay! I started laughing, later did I notice I was laughing out loud. "Alex, out."  said Mr. Belton pointing to the door.  "What?! i didn't..."  "Out!" he said giving me a glare. I went out the door, and my phone rang, "I'm on my good kush and alcohol... I got some down bitches I can call..." it played. I took it out my sock(where apparently he ACTUALLY REALLY does keep everything) and it read, "Mi Jalapeno~ Dude! I texted her sexy ass!"  "Aww yeah! Get it dude!" I said out loud.

~Brooklyn~ (P.O.V.)

        "I'm talking to the mirror on the wall... Here we go again. Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend!" I sang as the teacher glared at me. I looked at her, and then down at her hand. She was wearing a single ring on her ring finger. I raised my hand, "Yes Brooklyn?"  "Um, i see your ring and um, I mean, well. Who the hell would marry you?!"  I asked laughing. "Get out!" she yelled frustrated and embarrassed by my question. I stepped out the classroom of laughing students, "Totally worth it!" I laughed. My phone rang, "It's my last big breath, what you want me to do? When you act all cool like you already knew, that I'd be stuck here cold just waiting it through. Till your heart starts beating for that somebody new. You know that it's true, cuz' it's beautiful people like you, who get whatever they want. And it's beautiful people like you, who suck the life right out of my heart. And it's beautiful people like you, who make me cry... Cuz' nobody else could be nearly as cruel as you..."  I moved along with the music as I read the text.  "Oh! I wonder if Ass-ly and jalapeno are sex-ting!?" I said as I laughed at the thought.

~Olivia~ (P.O.V.)

          Ugh this is so boring, and this is too much work! I'm sorry but I can't, no I'm just, no I'm not doing this shit. I looked around the room and everybody was silently doing their work. This is so irritating! I think either one, I'm going in heat. Or two I'm just going to really bust. "Fuck this, fuck you, fuck everyone, just fuck this fucking shit, you mother fucker, and for everybody looking... Fuck off bitches!" I said as I dramatically threw my work sheets randomly around me as I walked out the room. Huh, that felt good, I should do that more often. "I know you're somewhere out there, somewhere far away. I want you back, I want you back. My neighbors think i'm crazy, but they don't understand. You're all i had, you're all i had. At night when the stars light up my room, I sit by myself... Talking to the moon. Trying to get you, in hopes you're on the other side, talking to me too. Or am I the fool? Who sits alone, talking to the moon." my phone rang. I read the new text, oh no! Ashely and Jalapeno were talking?! this is not good, he's a human for cheese sakes! Did you all of a sudden forget about the Lunar Slayers?! I just kept singing my ring tone, trying to let out all the new anger bottled up inside me.

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