~Summon me my child!~

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*Yes weird title! I couldn't think of anything else! But I really recommend Fire light - @koiponds It's amaZayn. Truly one of my most loved! Good luck gum-ball @boobearluv1 I know you have a good story to tell! By the way, those two and @beautifulnerd25 are single... Follow, read, vote and comment! Thanks*


~Olivia~ (P.O.V.)

        "Okay bye!" I said as Matt dropped us off.  "Okay so now we have to walk all the way back!"  snapped Brook. "No we don't! Remember when Ms.Valerie showed us the map?" Brooklyn had a quizzical look on her face. "You know, Ms.V..."  she still doesn't remember.  "The 7th great of the Lunar Slayers of the Night?"   "Oh yeah!!" said Brook realizing.  "There's a short cut here in the woods..." I trailed off as I led the way.

~Matthew~ (P.O.V.)

     I was driving in silence until Alex said something.  "Man, I would love to take her to dinner."  "What?" "Brook. I'd love to take her to dinner." he repeated. "Um... Okay." I said thinking where this was going. "And by dinner, I mean dunk the doughnut." he said smiling. "Alrighty..." I mumbled, not knowing what that meant. "And by dunk the doughnut, I meant have sex."  Oh! That's what it meant, "Okay dude, no more details." I said looking in the rear view mirror. I focused it on a clear view of his face. "...Bu sex I meant penis." he said quickly, still talking. "Okay... You can stop now" I said louder. "Also by penis I meant staple remover..." he said rambling. "Alex!" I yelled giving him the look through the mirror. "And by staple remover I meant her virginity." he said finally stopping. After some silence I said, "Dude you really need some help." He just looked down at his hands. "Yeah. i know. Love sucks." I nodded, love doesn't suck... It's just confusing.

~Brooklyn~ (P.O.V.)

        "Well this short cut sure was handy huh?!" I said sarcastically crossing my arms. "Oh shut up Brooklyn! Ugh, let me try to summon Ms.V..." snapped Livvie. I started to feel a gust of wind behind me as Olivia was concentrating on summoning her. "Um Livvie, you can stop now. She's here... I think." I said nervously. She was still standing still, but the wind was getting stronger. My hair was whipping around me widly but Olivia seemed to be unaffected. "Olivia!" I tried to shout over the wind. I picked up a small rock and tried to throw it at her, but it just got sucked in and it threw it right back at me. "Oh shit!" I yelled as I ducked swiftly so it wouldn't hit me. The storm got stronger and Olivia started to float upward from the eye of the now forming tornado. All of a sudden it all came to a halt, Olivia hung in the air but then came down in one motion. The bundle that the tornado picked up started to form the body of Ms.Valerie. "Yes my dear Olivia?" asked Ms.V. "Oh, Brook and I just got lost on this path home."  "Um... Help?" I said as I tried to pat down my wild birds-nest lookin like hair.

~Ms.Valerie~ (P.O.V.)

     "Sure Brooky." I said as I started walking. Olivia and Brooklyn started to follow behind me. "You know your Aunt Rose is coming to visit." I said breaking the on-comming silence. "No!" (protested kevin) they yelled in chorus. "Yes!" i said mocking their voices. "But why?!" Aunt Rose hates us and picks on us every second she gets too! Which is very often!" complained Olivia. "Yeah! And she eats our cookies and candy, somehow she even finds our stash..." trailed off Brooklyn. "I'm sure she's not that bad! Plus, she's going to help you with your upcoming 15th birthday!" I replied. Brook and Olivia just gave each other nervous and un-sure glances. "Okay, we're here!" I announced.

~Alex~ (P.O.V.)

          "Bye bro, see ya'!" I said as Matt dropped me off. "Aight. See ya' hoe." he hollered back as he drove off. As I dropped my bag on the kitchen floor my mom yelled, "Alex honey! Please go clean your room! We;re having company later!"  "Sorry mom, didn't know dinner took place in my room..." I said thinking she didn't hear me. Apperantly she did. "Alex, just do it." she sighed. "Ah-ha! Nike! Alright, I'll do it..." I said laughing at my lame ass joke.

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