My Life With The Eliot Boys

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Chapter 17

    “WAKE UP!” A high pitched voice yelled catching me by surprise and making me fall out of the bed.

    “Hurry we are going to be late for school!” Melanie yelled rushing around her room looking for clothes. I shot up and followed her to her closet. She handed me a pair of leggings and a flowy tank top.

    “Thanks Mel,” I said gratefully accepting the clothes.

    “Don’t call me that I hate it,” She said while getting her clothes.

    “Okay I’m ready,” I said throwing my hair up in bun and grabbing my shoes.

    “Thank god its friday,” She said following me down the stairs.

    “LUKE, LACEY IF YOU AREN’T DOWN HERE I’M LEAVING YOU,” Melanie yelled as we approached the door.

    “Don’t get your panties in a twist we are right here,” Luke groaned rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

    “Alright, lets go,” Melanie said leading us to her car. We all go in and drove to the school. Luke and Lacey were in the back making light conversation about some math test or whatever. Last night I had learned the twins were really close to each other and so was Melanie the three of them all got along really well. I was an only child so I never had any sibling to fight with or be close.

    “Okay we’re here!” Melanie said parking her jeep in her parking spot. I had also learned when I first got here if you had a car the first spot you parked in was your spot for the rest of the 4 year of high school. Sucks for the kids that got stuck in the back. When the seniors moved off to college they could hand their spots down because they were the best parking spots.

    “Mallory are you coming?” Melanie asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

    “Yea, sorry I was just thinking,” I replied grabbing my books and following her into the school.

    “About what, was is Corey,” She teased.

    “No, but speaking of the Eliot’s care to meet Jesse?” I said pulling her towards his locker.
    “Mallory no I can’t stop!” She whisper shouted as we got closer.

    “Stop you’ll be fine!” I ignored her protests as we got closer to them.

    “Mallory what happened to you last night? Corey was awfully worried about you!” Charlie laughed causing Corey to elbow him in the gut.

    “Well I was with my friend Melanie Boys this is Melanie, Melanie this is Corey, Jace, Cameron, Charlie, and Jesse!” I said giving her a little elbow when I said Jesses name.

    “Hey I know you we have 4th hour together!” Jesse said causing Melanie to blush.

    “Well we have to get going to first hour we will see you all at lunch!” I said dragging Melanie away.
    “Yea bye guys!” Melanie finally spoke.

    They all said goodbye and we walked to french.

    “See now that wasn’t so bad now was it and I think Jesse likes you!” I told her.

    “No he doesn’t are you crazy!” She shrieked.

    “Just a little,” I replied causing her to laugh.


    The first four hours were a drag like they always were and now it was time for lunch!

    “Mallory are you sure they wont tell me not to sit with them?” Melanie asked worried.

    “You have nothing to worry about!” I said reassuring her.

    She gave me a small nod and we walked into the lunch room. We headed over to our table and I sat down next to jace so the only open spot was next to Jesse. I looked at Melanie as if to tell her if she doesn’t sit I’ll make her sit. I guess she got my message because she quickly sat down.

    “Melanie please tell us how you got the pleasure to meet out fine friend here,” Jesse said pointing to me.

    “Well we have our first three classes together and I guess we just became friends ,” She stated.

    “Cool, well she’s a man so sorry,” Charlie said causing the whole table to laugh.

    “At least I don’t sleep with a train shaped night light,” I countered.

    “Its for reading!” Charlie shrieked.

    “Yea I’m sure all the girls would dig that,” Jesse added.

    “I know one girl who does!” Charlie snapped.

    “Oh and who is this ‘girl’ that loves train night lights?” Corey asked.

    “Lacey Johnson,” Charlie stated.

    Melanie’s practically fell out of her head. I looked at her trying not to laugh my brains out.

    “Whats so funny guys?” Charlie asked regretting he what he had just said.

    “Oh nothing,” Melanie said trying to shrug it off.

Melanie’s POV

    Lunch was soon over and me and mallory parted our ways. I walked to my locker when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the Jesse Eliot. His perfect brown hair was gelled back, with big hazel eyes to match his perfectly tanned skin. His black t-shirt just tight enough so you could see his muscles.

    “What were you and Mallory laughing at during lunch?” He asked.

    “Oh um you see Lacey is my sister and well the funny thing is that well she likes Charlie and well you know the gala?” I asked

    “The one put on by scientist where you have to put on itchy shirts and tight ties yea of course my parents make me go every year,” Jesse said as I opened my locker.

    “Well she wants to ask him but she doesn’t want to because the guy is supposed to ask the girl you know?” I reply.

    “Oh, I got you well I guess we will just have to make operation set up?” He said letting out a perfect laugh.

    I smiled and nodded, “yea we should totally do that!”

    “here let me get your number and I will give you mine and then we can plan something?” He offered. I nodded and we swapped phones. I added my number to his phone and gave it back.

    “Okay well I have to get to class I’ll talk to you later okay?” I said walking to my 5th hour class. I got in there ands sat down. Then it hit me. I JUST GOT FRICKEN JESSE ELIOTS PHONE NUMBER!! I didn’t even care that it was to set up our siblings together I got his number! I texted Mallory and told her and she was just about as stoked as I was. Soon the teacher came in and I put my phone away.

Jesse’s POV

    Melanie was perfect. She was everything a guy could want! At lunch when she and Mallory were laughing her laugh was the most perfect thing I had ever heard. Shut up man you’re turning soft! She’s just some girl and you are only going to be with her to help Charlie ok? The second voice was right. But I needed to get to know her more. She was perfect.

    “Jesse man you coming?” Jace said while snapping his fingers in front of my face.

    “Yea, sorry man,” I nodded grabbing my books.

    “Dude that Melanie chick was hot I think I’m going to tap some of that,” My friend Josh said.

    “No you’re not. And don’t talk about her like that!” I snapped. She wasn’t going to be tapped by anyone.

    “Jeez dude calm down!” Josh said holding us hands up in defense. I shook him off and walked into class. Melanie soon absorbed my thoughts again.

Mallory’s POV

    I walked into class when I felt my phone vibrate. It was Melanie telling me she had gotten Jesse’s number! I was actually really happy. They would look really good together and I would just have to get Jesse to ask Melanie to the Gala. I’m going to talk to him later but now it was time for math. I hated math more then anything it was my worse class. I was pulling all A’s except for math it would be the death of me. Gosh.

    “Mallory you better be paying attention,” The teacher said without even looking up from the bored. I groaned this was going to be a long year.


HELLOOOOOOOOO how are you guys? I haven't updated in forever! I'm having writers block but I'm slowly over coming it? Also I am working on another fanfic but don't worry I wont forget about this one! lol okay so please please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment! It really need it I have like 3800+ reads and 19 comments :( so I really need you guys to comment and tell me what you think and what I could do to make it better! I got it! Whoever leaves me the best comment the next chapter will be dedicated to! Oh and I don't remeber if I had the name as lilly or Lacey but I'm changing Melanies sisters name to Lacey! Anyway Im going to go! Dont forget to



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Love you all!

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