My Life With The Eliot Boys

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Chapter 18

    “Mallory Mom wants to see you in her office!” Charlie said lightly knocking on my door.

    “Alright thats upstairs last door on the right, correct?” I asked. Truth is I had never been upstairs I never got the full tour up there all I know its Mr. and Mrs. Eliot’s floor and we don’t usually go up there.

    “Yea you can’t miss it,” He nodded. I walked down the hall and hopped up the steps. I looked around the hall it was a long one. Doors where lined up every so often. and at the end where big glass doors that walked out to the balcony. Right before that was Mrs. Eliot's. office.

    “Hello Chase said you wanted me?” I asked walking into her office.

    “Yes I heard you are going to the gala!” She said excitedly.

    ‘Well not yet I don’t have a dress or a date sadly,” I answered her.

    “Not to fear I can help you with half of your problem! My friend owns a little shop downtown and she tells all the top designers! Well I was wondering if you and Melanie would like to come with me down there and look for dresses!” She exclaimed.

    “That sounds like a blast! Let me call Melanie and I’ll ask her oh and Mrs. Eliot she has a little sister Lacey well she’s the same age Charlie and well she is going to so maybe do you think she could come to?” I asked hoping she would say yes.

    “Sure no problem! Just let me know if they can come we are leaving in an hour!” She said and I nodded going back to my room to call Melanie.

    *Phone Call*

Mal: Hey Mel! Do you and Lacey want to come with me and Mrs. E to look at dresses at her friends  boutique?

Mel: Let me ask Luke if he is okay by himself!

Mal: Okay don’t worry I’m sure he can come here if he wanted to!

Mel: Yea he’s fine at home! Okay me and Lace will be right over I just have to grab my wallet!

Mal: Okay see you soon!

    *Phone call ended*

    I looked around my room before snapping to action. I needed to get dressed. I grabbed some jeans and a white v neck shirt. I tied my hair into a side braid and I walked downstairs to meet Melanie and Lacey at the door.

    It was about fifteen minutes before I heard a knock on the door.

    “Who’s there?” I heard Jace ask from the kitchen.

    “Lacey and Melanie,” I answered before going to get the door.

    “Charlie! Come here I need to talk to you!” Jace said with a evil smirk.

    “Mallory! I didn’t know that he would be here!” Lacey whispered frantically.

    “What!” Charlie yelled walking down the stairs in no shirt sending Lacey over the edge.

Lacey’s Pov

    I was in the flipping Eliot house oh my lord. I looked around before I heard one of them calling for Charlie.

    “Mallory! I didn’t know he would be here!” I whispered.

    I was starting to freak out. Charlie came running down with his hair all disheveled and no shirt on sending me over the mountain. He stopped in mid step before looking at me. Our eyes locked and everyone was quiet.

    “Yo lanks are you going to just stand there or are you going to talk to the girl,” Jesse said coming down behind him.

    His cheeks turned bright pink. He is so cute!

    “Lace go on go with him! Melanie said pulling me out of my thoughts.

    Charlie looked at me and I followed him up the stairs but as we got half way up Jesse called.

    “No I don’t think so you guys can go in the backyard!” Jesse said causing Charlie to huff in annoyance.

    “Fine dad!” He mocked. Causing me to laugh.

    “So here we are,” I said rocking on my heels.

    “Wanna play 20 questions?” He said quickly.

    “Sure I’ll go first, what is your favorite class so far?” I asked

    “Um English? Okay whats your favorite candy?”

    “Starburst! Favorite color?”

    “Green! Who’s your best friend?”
    “Oh thats easy Luke!” I said/

    “Oh a boy.” He said glumly.

    “Yea my twin brother is a boy but sometimes I think he is a caveman!” I said causing him to laugh.

    “You know they are watching us right?”

    “Yea I know,” I said laughing.

    “Are we at 20 yet?”

    “I don’t think so but I have to go!” I said looking over to the window and seeing my sister and her crazy friend motioning to wrap it up.

    “Okay one last question so we get to 20,” He said/

    “Okay last one,” I agreed.

    “Go to the gala with me?” He asked nervously.

    “Charlie, I would love to go with you,” I said causing him to form a big smile on his face.

    “Here I’ll give you my number and we can talk more about this,” He said. I handed him my phone and then ran to meet the girls in the front drive way.

Charlie’s Pov

    “So whats the verdict?” Jace said once I came back inside.

    “First I would just like to say I hate you Jesse my hate for Jace is a tad bit less because I’M GOING TO THE GALA WITH A DATE BOYS!” I yelled running around the house hollering at the top of my lungs as my brothers laughed at me. I ran upstairs to look and see if she had texted me and she did. The message said *You know I can hear you yelling right?(;*

    “Are you serious!” I groaned. I texted her back quickly and the plopped down on my bed. A big smile stretched across my face. I was taking Lacey to the gala. Thanks to my brothers.  And Mallory she’s pretty cool to.

Mallory’s Pov

    “So girls, My friends name is Rebecca and she will help you guys! She has the best taste in style!” Mrs. Eliot said once we got in the car. We heard a loud shreak something that wounded like a “I’m going to the gala!” causing Lacey to blush.

    “Oh my lord Lacey! You’re growing up!” Melanie said pinching her cheek.

    “What did I miss?” Mrs. Eliot asked. This is why she was one of my favorite adults. She could gossip with the girls and then be stern with the boys!

    “Well Lacey is going to the gala with Charlie!” I said after a few seconds of silence.

    “Oh my goodness! This is going to be so much fun!” She said causing us all to laugh. 

    “So are we there yet?” Melanie asked.
    “Yup here we are!” Mrs. Eliot said pulling up to the most elegant shop I had ever seen.


Hey guys! sorry for the long wait and the short chapter! next will be them getting dresses finding dates and then THE GALA yay! tell me what you think and as always




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