Chapter 29-Er: Playing With Soap

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Allison snapped awake, still in Hero's hair. She looked through the strands, seeing the other three. She stood up, stretching. Seto looked up at her, then back at Hero.

Allison arched her back, then slipped. She caught onto Hero's shirt collar, and moved her way up onto his shoulder. She sat down, leaning her head on his neck, getting a stroke from him.

"Hey," Herobrine said softly. "What were you doing back there?"

"I thought you were mad, so I left to give you time to calm down." She replied, looking down at her talons.

"No, I'd never be mad at you."
"No what ifs. I'm never gonna be mad at you, and that's final."
"I saw your eyes glow, so I thought you were mad."
"They were?"
"They haven't glowed sinc- well, uh, when was that...?" He said, rubbing his chin. Allison wrinkled her snout.

"I think they haven't glowed in ten years, brother." Notch said.
"They used to glow all the time!" Steve added.
"Strange." Seto murmured, looking down.

They stood in silence for a few moments. Allison climbed back into Herobrine's hair and said, "Imma take a nap." She laid her head down, and soon fell asleep, tail twitching.

When they were certain she was, Seto said, "Well. That was eventful."

Notch facepalmed, and Steve shook his head, trying not to laugh. "Well, uh, yeah." Steve replied.

"We should be going," Notch put in, putting his hand aside.
"Want me to show you were the portal is?" Hero asked.
"That'd be great, thanks."

After they left, Hero took the strange pigman and gave him/her to the guards to be put in the dungeon. He made sure Allison was still on his head before continuing. He then ordered some pigmen to rebuild his bedroom, then went into the kitchen for something to eat.

Allison woke up to the smell of toast. She let out a small squeak, informing Hero that she was awake.

"Good uh, morning? Night?" Hero joked, and she smiled. "You must be hungry," he said, and she nodded.

"Well I've got pancakes, muffins, toast, and milk. Wat'cha want?" He continued, and Allison noticed that she was on a table. She leaped off the table before shifting into her human self.

"Uh. You got blueberry muffins? They're pretty good." She said.
"Yea. I got blueberries, raspberries, and regular ones." He replied, getting a plate and a muffin out of the fridge.

He put the plate down in front of her, and she picked up a fork before eating.

"Why a fork?" He questioned, and she shrugged.
"I dunno. It's a habit, I guess.
"You like eating small pieces?"
"Oh. Mkay."

He had some toast with butter on them, and began to eat. After finishing, Allison stood up and put her plate in the sink, and started to clean. Hero then finished his, and walked up to her to clean his own.

"Here. I've got this," he said, trying to take away her plate. "Nah. I can do it." She replied.

"Okay. Go ahead." He said, standing in the way so she couldn't wash her plate.

"Daaaaaaad!" She playfully yelled, jokingly punching him in the arm.

"Allllliiissssooooonnnnn!" He remarked, gently pushing her back with one finger.

"Heeerrrrrrooooobbbbbrrriiiinnneee!" A voice called out. They both stopped and looked at the door, seeing Splinter leaning there.

"Oh. Uh, heyyyy, Splinter."
"Yea. Hey there." Allison said, before throwing soap into Hero's face without looking. Unfortunately his mouth was open, and soap got inside. He spit it out.

"Alllliiisssooooooonnnn!" He cried and grabbed a towel, "Ohh, Imma get you!"

"Never!" She growled, running from him. She hid behind Splinter, who just stood there. Hero playfully tackled them to the ground, and he ended up as the bottom of the man pile. Splinter and Allison were on top, trying not to crack up. Finally Allison gave out and she burst into laughter, while Splinter looked like he couldn't hold in his giggles anymore.

"R-rem-remember that time," she paused, "w-when you w-were chasing me? It f-feels like you just caught me." Herobrine suddenly cracked up, half giggling and half grunting.

They laid there for a few moments, until Splinter got off of Allison. She got up too, letting Hero up as well. "Well, uh. Yeah. That... Was something," she said before grunting, trying not to laugh.

A couple days later

Herobrine and Allison walked through the hallways, side by side. They found the hole she made when she was "fleeing" from him. A couple of pigmen were patching it up, almost done.

They reached one hallway and stopped. "Cmon. I want to show you something," Hero said, and she followed.

They reached the end of it, leading to one door. He opened it, noticing that it was unlocked. Hero pushed the door all the way in, and beckoned Allison inside.

She said nothing; her mouth was gaped open, standing there. "Cmon." Hero said, motioning her.

She slowly walked in, sending puffs of dust into the air. Allison looked around, then at Herobrine.

"It was your bedroom." He murmured. "It was yours until I forced you to run."

She walked to the dresser in the small nursery, and picked up a wooden-framed picture. It had her and Herobrine in it; she was on his lap, and their mouths were both open as if they were laughing.

A tear slipped out of her eye. Hero walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder, sighing. Allison turned to face him, and immediately hugged him, crying into his stomach.




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