Chapter 24: Small Match and Sleep

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When Notch, Steve and Seto ran into the room, the patrols immediately retaliated by quickly unsheathing their swords. They ran at the three, immediately being knocked back by a spell from Seto.

"Again?" Herobrine said, narrowing his eyes.
"Yup." Notch replied.

Allison walked out into the big room, just now noticing the three, eyes still wide from the dream. Her eyes widened more as Seto and Steve turned their heads to look at her.

"Run," Hero told her. She nodded, turned into a small dragon, and ran off.

"A 1v3? Now that isn't fair," Notch joked.

"Pfft. No, it'll be even, we'll go after her." Steve said.

Herobrine narrowed his eyes again as Steve and Seto left, going in Allison's direction. He made no effort to stop them, I hope she can handle them on her own.

"Now, why don't we have a rematch?" Notch provoked Hero. "You guys, making all this effort for her. And for what? To make me lonely?"

"Well that already exists," Notch muttered. He summoned his staff, his hands glowing a crystal blue. "Let's have some fun!"


As Allison ran down the hallway, she could hear their footsteps. She passed many patrols, they noticed the tension and blocked the hallway behind her.

She reached a dead end, and her heart sank. She could hear the two fighting the guards, easily taking them down. She looked behind her back, seeing shadows.

Of course she wanted to be stealthy, but of course she had to sneeze, giving away that she was still there. Seto and Steve caught up to her, slowing down as she backed away. She sneezed again, making Steve grunt, trying not to laugh.

Allison then started to sneeze a lot, finally making him burst into laughter. She shook her head, rubbing her snout with her paw. She was noticing that Steve had a particularly familiar smell. Woodland? Animal? Whatever it is, I might be allergic to it.

"OKayy, enuf!" Steve tried to yell, but his words came out wrong as he was still laughing. That made Allison smirk.

Seto stepped in and set a hand on Steve' shoulder, only making him laugh more. Allison let out a little giggle as she watched his efforts on trying not to laugh.

"Okay, enough. Geeezzz, Steve." Seto said. "WHaT? I Can't h-help IT!" Steve said, doing his best to make sense.

Allison put a paw on her head, symbolizing a face palm. She was now laying down, trying not to sneeze again. She put down her head, sniffing.

Seto slowly walked up to her, she noticed and got up, backing up to the wall. "I'm not gonna hurt you." He said softly, only making Allison's fear a tad bit more.

She coughed, then said, "your voice reminds me of those scary movies." Seto smirked, then replied, "well I'm not trying to make it that way."

"Well I can tell something's up. Steve is giving it away." She said, glancing at the slowly calming down Steve. He was gripping his sword sheath, now calmed down, as Allison raised an eyebrow.


"Ya know whacking me in the shoulder doesn't really hurt, right?" Herobrine muttered as Notch whacked him. Hero had no weapons but his magic.

"Eh, it's fun," Notch said.
"For you." Hero replied, grabbing Notch's staff and breaking it in half.

"Aww." Notch whined, disappointed.

Herobrine looked around, then said, "well. What now?" Notch shrugged, then added, "Well I don't really feel like whacking you anymore. Maybe go find Steve and Seto?"

"Well you go do that, while I go find Allison." Herobrine replied, then started to walk away in the direction the three went.


Seto had gotten as close as he can to Allison, who was now an uncomfortable purple and light yellow (Uncomfortable and shock). He wrapped an arm around her as she glanced at him. His eyes, why are they making me feel safe..... And warm...? He had just enchanted his eyes to make anyone who looked into them lured into a blank state of consciousness. Of course she fell for it when he wrapped his arm around her waist, near her wings.

"Did it," Seto said out of the blue as Allison blankly stared at him, her scales turning black and white (emotionless and being controlled). "Good." Steve replied.

Seto summoned a long timed sedate and injected it into her thigh. It took a minute or two for her to start showing effects of it, but she soon closed her eyes and her head dropped to the ground, her body crumpling with it.

Seto picked her up as carefully as he could, the eye spell now wearing off. As soon as they walked about a yard, Herobrine turned around a corner.

When he saw her asleep in Seto's arms, rage immediately boiled up, as he saw Allison's snout tied up, but another part of him wanted her to sleep.

"Did she try to bite you?" Was all Hero could say. "No. But just in case." Seto replied.

"I don't think she bites in her sleep....." Herobrine muttered.


Notch caught up with the group, and walked with Seto, who had Allison in his arms. She was still knocked out, only small beats of color showed on her scales which meant she was dreaming.

Allison made small movements, like an occasional twitch of a claw or ear, but she was still out. Herobrine led them to an open area which had netherric flowers in dark red pots, leathery like material couches, a red glass table with a spruce wood frame, magazines and newspapers on it.

The patrols alarmed themselves, running at Steve and Notch (they saw that Seto had Allison in his arms so they didn't go after him). "Patrols, stop." Splinter suddenly commanded. He walked over to Herobrine, and whispered, "Do you want us to attack them? I can see that Seto has Allison."

"No," Herobrine whispered back. "Just tell them to guard hallways. I'm sensing that something will happen when she's asleep."



The story part (only) has 999 words xD

Illuminati Confirmed




Cliffhangers are fun

So worth it to make Emm-wait that's bad.



1038 words total (story and bold)

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