Chapter 27: Explore

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Unknown POV is a teeny bit done on computer because why not?


Unknown POV

I successfully made it into Herobrine's fortress, where Master told me the hybrid was living. He wanted me to find her so he could do some research, since he hasn't seen a Tiedan, since they're so rare. I've been starting to think Tiedans are endangered, speaking of the rarity. (<- computer)

I hid behind a hill, glancing back to the entrance. No guards. Strange.

Eh. Better for me.

I creeped out and to the entrance, expecting a trap. Nothing. I continued on, keeping my steps light. Still nothing. My gosh, WHERE ARE THEY.

I ran around hallways, expecting pigmen around. Nothing. Does he have this bad of security? Maybe they're around where the Tiedan is.

I found a staircase that led to the upper floor. Going up, I still didn't see any pigmen. Scrunching my nose, I smelled the noticeable tangy scent of blood. Good smelling blood.

I saw the blood patches on the ground, thinking the Tiedan was probably this way. Smiling, I found more blood on the floor. Definitely.

I walked through one hallway, and there was more blood. A bloodthirsty Tiedan? Is she like her father? I wondered, but soon shook the thought off.

Wait a minute. This is a dream. How can there be no pigmen in this? I'm sure Herobrine would have better security than this.

Then I realized.... I was hit on the head and blacked out. Yes. I am in a dream.

Wake up! I screamed in my head, trying to regain consciousness. But yay me, sheer luck.

I woke up to two pigmen dragging me on the floor. I opened my eyes a bit, now seeing bars. A prison. I'm a prisoner. NO. WRONG WAY AROUND.

I kicked myself up onto my feet, yanking off the weak chains. They probably didn't think I'd wake up. Well I'm just lucky.

Noticing that I still had my rapier, I unsheathed it and started slicing at them. Soon they were dead. I kicked them out of the way, now noticing that other prisoners were watching me, eyes wide.

I grinned at them, and they ran to the back of their cells, whimpering. Weak. No wonder they're in here. Walking back the way I think they were dragging me, I found the exit of the prison. Now I found a fight.

Loads of pigmen swarmed the hallway, barely letting me see through. They noticed my presence, and charged. But yay me, my rapier is special. I clicked it to the ice element, freezing them all when I sliced at them. (Yay RWBY)

I remember the day Master made me this rapier. It was the same day he made me my morph bracelet. Wait. I'm not in a morph. I'm my own form.

I tapped the jade again, the animals swarming around a green aura. I clicked on the pigman morph, getting the want-for-you-to-double-over feeling.

I sheathed my rapier as I walked down the hallway of Popsicle pigmen. I tapped one on the ear, and they all went crashing down into ice shards.

I found a staircase. But yay me, more pigmen. I quickly unsheathed, and flicked the element to Ender, making them teleport away, teleport back, and crash into each other, losing consciousness and lots of blood. I guess I should keep it unsheathed.

Yay me, I am wise. More pigmen charged at me. I changed to void, making them disappear into thin air. This rapier is fun.

So then more pigmen came, each wave with more. I changed from void to air, making them levitate and slam down, breaking their spines. Air to light, they were blinded and lit to death. Light to water, drowning them. Water to projectile, and they died from invisible arrows, rocks, and stuff.

More waves came and I kept using different elements. Eventually hundreds of bodies littered the floor, lifeless. I smirked. Taking down his security was a great idea, even though they came at me and I defended myself. I didn't use fire or magma magic, since they are resistant to that. Oh well. Those elements can fuel the others, using their own energy.

I walked up the stairs, seeing a dead end up ahead. But I also saw one door in it. Walking down the hallway, the reek of blood from earlier made me feel powerful. Oh rapier, I love you, I thought, hugging it. I wonder what I should name it, other than it just being The Rapier.

I sheathed it, walking to the door. I twisted the handle, of course it was locked. I unsheathed my rapier, and slid the blade into the keyhole. It unlocked and the door opened, revealing an old room.

I walked inside, puffs of dust fluffing up with my steps. It was a nursery, with pink soft blankets and carpets. Maybe this was the hybrid's room, I thought, coughing up dust. It probably wasn't used in a long time.

I walked out of the room, closing the door. I quickly and efficiently snuck out of the hallway, getting that feeling of dread, that you weren't meant to be there.

I continued to explore the castle, finding no defenses. I found the same staircase like the one in my dream, and went up, greeted by blood. Exactly like my dream! I said in my head, kinda excited. I sniffed the aroma, getting the same smell from the dream. Definitely it.

There were piles of weapons and bodies, all splattered with blood. I sniffed deeply, and smiled. I like blood.

I paused from the middle of inhaling, and heard voices. No dragon-like ones, but human. I want the hybrid, NOT HUMANS!

I headed toward the voices, and they got a bit louder as I came. I glanced around the corner, seeing enemies of Master. Herobrine, Notch, Steve, and Seto. Why are they here?

I watched for a few more minutes, now seeing the hybrid- no, she's a dragon now- pop her head up, and scramble out of the room into a hallway. I should follow her, I thought. Good idea, brain. Have a cookie.

I made sure I was still a pigman before going out into the room. The presence of them wanted me to spring at them, but I had to do my Master's orders.

I'm sorrynotsorry of the cliffhanger.

Who is this person? What will
happen to Allison?

KatKendra  <~ you guys need to follow her. She may or may not be the U- oops sorry no spoilers.



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