Chapter 22: The Group

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Allison ran down the hall, glancing at the locked doors in fear. She came to a dead end, staring into glass to see her reflection. No scar? Allison thought, tilting her head to see the same action of her dragon head on the dusty glass.

She turned around, seeing that one group of boys walking slowly in a creepy manner. Ethan. She glared at the one in the front, who was the leader. There was also another one next to him, Cody, who had a bow and arrow ready to fire.

"Just give up already, you can't win this," Ethan taunted. "Like you can stop a dragon." Allison snarled.

"Can I? Let's find out, boys,"

A boy in the back, called Skull, tossed him an iron sword, freshly sharpened. Allison's eyes narrowed at the gleam on the blade.

He practiced swinging it, easily wooshing it through the air. Allison tilted her horns and sharpened her claws on the stone floor.

He practiced cuts with the sword for a while, until Allison got bored and practiced her magic. The other boys, Skull and Cody, watched the sight, and backed away in fear with their hands up. "I-is t-that wh-who's mag-gic I thin-k it is?" Skull stammered. "I-I don't th-think it is. He h-hasn't had a c-child in years...." Cody stuttered, eyes wide.

Allison tilted her head, "what? What's wrong with this magic? Is it some sort of God's magic?"

"U-uh, yeah I-it is!" Skull shrieked. "Then who?"

Cody gulped. "H-her- Herobrine."

"Him? I've heard he's been cursed in the nether and hasn't had any children." Allison said calmly, glancing at Ethan who was still practicing the sword.

"Y-yeah. That- that's what w-we all thought." Skull said. Allison raised an eyebrow, then shrugged it off.

"Alright. Quit your whimpering. It's time." Ethan commanded. He took one more swoosh through the air, it's sound like a kite in the air.

Allison lazily narrowed her eyes. "Why do you even want to do this?" She said sharply. Ethan glanced at her and replied, "Because our parents taught us to be Hybrid Hunters."

"Hybrid Hunters...?" Allison said confused, then chuckled. "Sounds like people who don't like hybrids."

"Exactly. That's what our parents are."
Allison blinked, then replied, "Well, I don't know who my parents are, I've been living alone for as long as I can remember."

Ethan raised an eyebrow, "no parents? Living alone? That sounds awful, but not as awful as this!" He sharply ended his words, running towards Allison, sword poised.

Allison made no effort to snack the thing out of his hands with her tail. She snorted. "Quite an effort, eh?" She taunted.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with." Ethan growled, staring at his bruised hand where she smacked it.

"A boy? Very obvious." She said, amused. Ethan, are you going easy on me, or are you preparing something worse?

As if Ethan could hear her thoughts, he grabbed the sword again and ran at her. As soon as he got close enough, Allison opened her mouth, and snapped shut on his bruised hand and sword. Ethan screamed in pain. "LET ME GO! I WILL DEFEAT YOU! GO EASY ON ME!" He yelled.

Allison taunted, "Aww, a boy begging to be taken down easily. How I made no effort to open and close my mouth. Amusing."

Ethan gasped, groaning in the strength of Allison's jaw. "L-let me go!" He managed to cry out. Allison took the mercy and dropped open her jaw, Ethan now missing his hand and the sword was melted.

Ethan stared at his hand, and screamed. "YOU MONSTER!" He bellowed, now angry. Allison barely narrowed her eyes in amusement. "That is why you don't mess with dragons. I'm sure your parents would've taught you that. Common sense is useful, ya know."

Ethan gaped in agony of missing his hand. "Y-you'll pa- pay for this." He barely growled. Allison lowered her head to meet his eyes. "Do you have any common sense?" She said, poking his hair.

"YES! THAT IS WHY IM A HYBRID HUNTER!" He roared to her face, and immediately regretted it. He stared into her emotionless eyes, whimpering for forgiveness.

"Why would I forgive you, when you threatened to kill me, because of what I am, tried to stab me with that flimsy sword, and then you yell in my face. 1, how rude. And 2, I'm sure you would know you won't get a second chance to live if you met any dragon and did that. But, I am a person who is forgiving."

Ethan tilted his head, absorbing the information. As soon as she was done, she lifted her head. But not quick enough.




How I love doing this.

And Emma, dun be disappointed. I planned this chapter to happen. *snicker*






*Even though I'm sure Emma is judging*

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