Chapter 4: Creeping Is Creepy

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Herobrine was standing behind her as she crept along the forest border. Clever thinking, he thought. Allison quickly turned her head around, Herobrine wasn't there. She breathed a sigh of relief, but as she turned around, that hologram of 'Herobrine' wasn't there. She thought it was safe, Herobrine left, so it must be safe to get inside.

She quickly turned her head around, thinking Herobrine wasn't there, but he was. Allison's eyes quickly turned electric yellow, ebbing away all of the emerald green that meant calm. Herobrine was just standing there looking at her, cocking his head to the side. He opened his mouth to speak, and he said, "you know who I am right?"

Allison was uncomfortable, her eyes turning purple, but also a bit of emerald green returning. She started to run to her house for safety. Herobrine summoned a sedate to make her fall asleep with, but she was too quick.

Allison launched up into the air, aiming for the roof of her house. There was a latch up there. She must really be prepared for something like this, Herobrine thought.

Allison aimed for the hatch, almost missing it. She grabbed the handle, luckily for her it was unlocked, and dived in. She quickly closed it, it automatically locking. Ugh she got away, Herobrine grumbled mentally.

Edit: guess what I deleted this one too

What a surprise

Word count: 234 words

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