Chapter 15: Running Away and Getting Hurt

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Allison flew through the halls while Splinter and Herobrine chased after her on foot. She'd have to tire out eventually. But so would we... Herobrine thought.

She had turned into a dragon by the time they saw her round another corner. The patrols flung out of her way when she was flying towards them. Splinter and Herobrine started slowing down, panting. "Ugh... We'll nev- ver catch her..." Splinter heaved.

"Just... Call the p-patrols. They-yll catch...her," Herobrine panted. Splinter reached into his pocket and found a button. He pressed it, pigmen and wither skeletons immediately came.

"Yes, sir?" one of the wither skeletons said. "Watch out for and capture if you can, there is a dragon hybrid that is probably a dragon right now has escaped. We don't know what her name is," Splinter replied and shooed them off. One of the pigmen started sniffing the ground, and soon caught her scent. It stood up and started running, following the stale scent.


Allison soon lost them and turned back into human. She had reached a dead end, but no one was around her. She started jogging back away from the dead, and started hearing voices. Many voices. Pigmen?

She stopped walking and listened. Yep, pigmen. And something else. Wither skeleton? She rounded the corner, there they were, talking. Allison thought for a moment, then quietly ran across the hallway, hoping not to be seen. Unfortunately one of the pigmen saw her and started shouting. Oh great.

She quickly transformed back into a small dragon and flew away from the shouting. As she flew away from the shouting, she realized Herobrine and the armored pigman were In front of her. She quickly flapped backwards to slow down and turn around. The pigmen and wither skeletons were behind her. Only one way; up.

She thrusted upwards, breaking open the ceiling. One of her wings caught onto a piece of rubble and she was yanked to right next to the hole, dazed and quietly whimpering. She dragged herself to the hole, the group staring at the hole. She tried to heave herself up, but her back legs gave in and buckled. Great. My back legs are paralyzed for who knows how long.

Eventually Herobrine climbed out of the hole, and he saw Allison laying there. She tried to shuffle away from him, but her two front legs weren't enough. She whimpered in pain.

"Ah what happened..?" Herobrine asked. A whine in reply, and Allison put her head down on her paws, quietly whimpering. Her scales were purple and dark green. He looked at her back legs, they were shaking.

Herobrine turned his head to see one of her wings bent in a strange position and blood was coming out at her shoulder. "Fracture?" He asked, but she shrugged.

A moment later he summoned a sedate. She saw it and tried to slide away, but eventually gave up and started quietly whining again.

Edit: delete... delete... delete delete delete! Delete... delete... delete delete delete... *themed like that one classical song*

*im not even sure if that song is classical, it could be something else... but classical was the first thing to come to mind since I don't remember the name of that song*

*i should stop rambling*

Word count: 553 words

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