Chapter 24: The Hunt

Start from the beginning

I sat in my tree leaning against the bark trunk. I didn't get much sleep last night, but it felt amazing when I did. I felt in a daze for some reason and I couldn't quite figure out why. Chucking pebbles into the water, I sighed. What's wrong with me? My head rested back and I closed my eyes. If I could just get some sleep...

"You're a bloody drunk!" A raspy voice called.

My eyes shot open and I lifted my head. I recognized that voice from somewhere...

"All this walking and I still can't manage to push you off a cliff...lousy rat."

I am sick and tired of pirates dragging themselves all over the island obsessing over Pan.

"Well Captain if you could just succeed at one of your plans then maybe I wouldn't have to drink so much." a voice responded.

Captain? ...Hook...I sat still trying to listen to where they were.

"What did you just say?!" Hook yelled making me jolt as I held my breath. They were close...the other pirate didn't say anything.

"Aye, if liquor won't shut you up I don't know what will. You better watch ye smart mouth of yours. Or I could easily throw you to the mermaids." Hook spoke coldly, adjusting his leather gloves.

But this doesn't explain anything...what the hell is Hook doing here? I don't think I've ever seen him actually step foot on the island before...

"What exactly is it with ya obsessing over killing teenage boys? What use could they possibly be for us?" The voice spoke with doubt.

"Because!" Hook screamed, throwing his hands in the air.

"That cloaked boy used fairy dust and left the island, which means he knows how to free us." Hook started.

No...Please...No...My heart started aching the more I eavesdropped.

"If we can't get it from that blasted Peter Pan, then we'll just have to get the next best thing." Hook grinned.

"And how exactly do ye plan on doin that?" The pirate spoke in an annoyed tone.

"You ask too many questions." Hook grumbled under his breath.

"Either the boy complies to my wishes, or we use force." Hook glared.

"How are you going to even get the boy?" the pirate groused.

"I have my ways, and the next time I see him flying, I'll shoot him down myself." Hook mumbled.

My heart skipped a beat and my teeth clenched.

"I think you should take another approach, maybe if you finally forgive Pan and beg he'll set us free." He suggested.

"A pirate never begs, let alone take orders from a rotten screw up." Hook responded sounding offended and disgusted by the pirate's offer.

"Well I'm not going to waste my time scavenging a pile of dirt while you curse at me." The pirate admitted.

Hook pulled something from his coat pocket and an audible click rang through my ears.

"I guess if you want things done right-" Hook started eyeing the pirate. "-you have to do it yourself."

Hook pointed a handgun on the pirate and immediately pulled the trigger, sending a loud ring through my ears. The pirate toppled over and fell to the ground deceased, now in visible sight from where I sat. I trembled trying not to hear the sound of my own heavy breathing.

Hook stepped over the pirate and blew on the top barrel of his gun that was releasing smoke. A whistling came from Hook's pursed lips. The haunting melody made my heart race, hoping to God he couldn't see or hear me. I could hear the clanking of his boots fade into the distance as I sat there panicked. My hands shook violently, I released a breath from my burning lungs. I jumped from the tree and bolted in the opposite direction. If Hook so much as tries laying a hand on Lea...

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