XXVII. Give It Up For Me

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April 20, 1993Chicago, Illinois

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April 20, 1993
Chicago, Illinois

"I'm so tired..." Alexis sighs from the other side of the room. "The devil invented labor. You cannot convince me God said we should have to work like this to be payin' our mortgage on time." She rolls her heavy head, glancing at me with pleading eyes. "Nelly, introduce me to a billionaire European man that'll fund my life and let me keep my man as long as I wear a mask and call him a dirty pig once a month."

All I can do is laugh. Her humor contributes to my positive mood. I've tried to keep my smiling to a minimum, not wanting to warrant any more assumptions than I can handle, but I'm walking on clouds since getting my last pile of rocks off as recent as the day before yesterday. DeVante gladly put a pep in my step, a whole lot of pep in my step. It took a lot of heart to build up the nerve to accept such a proposal but by the end, it was worth it.

We started off rocky. Hot and heavy, the kind of touch to bring me to the edge of my seat, we didn't have much time to waste. Even after he struggled to open the condom, the moment he got me in a 90° angle, life reached new heights. The itch was scratched just right. After that, it was a done deal. Whether or not I'll be back hasn't been decided. I doubt I will. He was a good time and that was nice, it's also simply it. I once told Alexis if that line was crossed, nothing would change. It was a one time thing. He hasn't dodged me and I hadn't dodged him. Who's laughing now? I can be casual.

"Yeah..." I smile, face first into my actions as I dig in my bowl of grapes.

"You know," starts Alexis. "You been smiling a whole lot since that last time we saw DeVante." I catch a glimpse of the skeptical smirk developing on her red lips. "Am I missing something?" The shaking of my head isn't enough for her. She's never satisfied. "Nelly, you've got a perfectly good caramel cake sitting in your lap and you haven't eaten in months. Please, for the love of God, take a bite outta that damn cake!"

"I had my piece."

Her she unhinges, dropping to her lap as she awaits a sign of deception in my body language. "You didn't," she grins.

"Oh, but I did."

Adolescent excitement takes over her body's control panel and she screams at the top of her lungs. Laughing, I don't care to question why she's so excited for me. "Was it good?" A true friend jumps to the meat and potatoes of their questions for this kind of scenario. Alexis has always been the best of my friends.

My shoulders raise, only to fall back down. "It was a quickie. I can't tell you my real opinion until we get in a bed but what I got was good."

A knock on the door pulls me away from the juicy questions and answers we were ready to exchange. My bare feet shuffle against the cold floors of my home. Using half of my might, I swing open the door just enough to hold the door open. Buffy out of sight, Ike passes me a package. The is the size of my torso alone, something that catches my attention right off the rip.

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