XVI. A Scarlet Letter

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October 31, 1992Chicago, Illinois

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October 31, 1992
Chicago, Illinois

My new kitten Scarlet sits against the window, her big green eyes eyeballing the raindrops sliding down the window as if a streak of water is the most interesting sight the planet has to offer.

"Gold," I say to myself as I drop my Billboard magazine in my lap.

My album is just a few thousand units over gold. My sales shot through the roof for my opening week. After some rumors and a few disappointed fans, the sales hit a plateau and fell flat. This project has been a frustrating experience. If Warner Bros. would've released it when I asked then we wouldn't be here. They were having problems with Prince and assumed that I'd act the same way he did and that offended me. This new staff on board is a fucking mess. The way they stood behind said assumptions really did me in. So, I went in there and showed them how Prince would act.

I cursed everyone out, calling them everything from bitches to the crabs infecting the devil's asshole, and threatened to leave. Who did they think they were? Who the hell do they think I am? Clearly, they needed a reminded and it was one they took to heart when Mo Ostin came to personally apologize to me for the cruelness of their new batch of executives. Prince and I have stood side by side as label-mates for a time soon to be touching ten years now. I know what kind of headaches Prince has given them. To make such a comparison was beyond insulting. All I've tried to do is keep everyone happy while staying true to the music.

And this is what I get in return?

A slight tingle of disappointment sat in my voice. "I only struck gold... It isn't that bad is it, Scarlet?"

An Egyptian Shorthair who was almost named Skippy after taking a liking to a can of peanut butter, Scarlet basks in the attention of being an only child. Skippy was cute, but it sounds too much like Skipper and Prince has made it clear that only a dog can carry such a name.

"Gold isn't bad. I just expected it to do better. Some people don't even make it to be that so I should be grateful, right?" It's hard to be grateful when all you know is platinum.

Scarlet pays me no mind as she continues to gaze out of the window. I hate the rain. It makes everybody gloomy and want to be down or lazy. I want to play in the sunshine. I'm talking 85°F weather, bikinis, and beaches! But, I'm in the house watching Nightmare On Elm Street.  The trick-or-treaters won't be out and about until after school ends. This gives me time to relax in the peace and quiet.


Scarlet's tail perks as she jumps off of the window. I stand up and follow behind her. "What the hell?" My
conscience urges me to grab something hard to make sure I am safe. The creek created by my bodyweight being applied to the wooden floors doesn't help my anxiety, neither does the thunder that suddenly crackles above my home. Gripping my remote as tight as possible, I tip toe behind Scarlet. She runs up the stairs but I, on the other hand, follow behind as cautious as one can be. My heart's beating a mile a minute and the world's spinning. What the fuck is that sound?

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