XX. Ebony Skin, Ebony Eyes

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As Told By...

January 1, 1993Chanhassen, Minnesota

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January 1, 1993
Chanhassen, Minnesota

This last time was the first time.

She wasn't red, she wasn't crying. Her soul left her body for as long as I stood before her. The usual brightness that casted a glowing ray of sunshine upon me with every glance threw nothing but the ebony shadows of the moon's darker half. Burning blood and rage took over me as I experienced her emotions as if I were her standing emotional reflection. It wasn't something I was prepared for. So often had I felt her sadness or her happiness, lust even, but this was the kind of fury hell'd never hath. She is a scorned woman.

She probably hated me by now and I don't blame her. I said a lot of shit though I didn't mean any of the words that I'd said. People say anything when they're enraged. All I wanted to do was congratulate her and it turned out a damn mess. I gave her what she gave me, even when I had no intentions of living at the end of her sword. I didn't go there to fight.

Nona and I are another something fresh. I didn't think much of bringing her along. She had never met Nona and Nona had never met her, when she— None, that is— really wanted to. She looked fine as wine that night, poking my nerves enough for my guard to lift to its highest level as her appearance gave me butterflies. Her beauty became twisted throughout the night when she talked the kind of shit only a niche audience could clock. She played herself thinking she could step to me but I chose to let it go. I was trying to celebrate her, practice this whole associative dynamic we'd been trying to develop. 

"Prince?" A faint voice called for me from outside of the door.

I didn't want to be bothered. Every possible entrance to the studio was locked, all blinds and curtains were closed, and I almost unplugged the phone. I have too many thoughts swarming through my head today. If Wendy and Lisa would've kept their fucking mouthes shut, half of these events wouldn't have unfolded. The mess that came out of it had their names written all over it. They put some bullshit in her head. That's why she was acting so brand new when I saw at the hotel. I'm not stupid. I know the game all three of these girls play.

"Talk about a show." I smiled, clapping as I got closer and closer to the star. She'd already taken her make up off, warning me that they were leaving soon. Chanel briskly stood up with a cold demeanor. The look on her face didn't correspond. She was hot and cold the moment I arrived. "Nice." My words are simple and in reference to the show.

Chanel glanced at Nona and forced herself to smile. "Hi," she greeted. Her smile fell the moment she looked back to me. "Remember what I said earlier."

"Why are you being so aggressive?" I chuckled, silently enjoying the view of another woman making her sweat.

Nona is tall, brown, and beautiful. Watching somebody have a physical fighting chance, even if I knew she'd lose, against the one they call Lyric got me off. My quick visit to say hello shifted in a brand new direction before my very eyes. The assumption of my consistent ill intentions came back around, spinning the block, carrying a heavy heap of vengeance on its back. She was standing there with her gun cock, loaded, and aimed right at me when the only words I'd spoken were positive words.

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