XXV. Sex and The City

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April 15, 1993New York, New York

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April 15, 1993
New York, New York

I hold onto a throw pillow as I threaten him. "You better take that outside!" I'm screaming at DeVante. He had the nerve and audacity to light his cigar in my house. My house is full of guests, one being Alexis as she happens to be doing business in the city. "Stop playing, De!" I'm serious yet everybody in the room is laughing like this is a joke.

The day is nice with a mild breeze, perfect for this kind of a gathering. I have the usual suspects here. Buffy, Mike, myself, and Ike. As Alexis stays with me for the week. On top of us, we have extra company coming from the three people that DeVante brought with him. They go by K-Ci, Dalvin, and JoJo. That's it. I told him not to bring a big group of people to my house.

"Yo, JoJo come with me in case she try to to kill me on the patio."

I roar from the kitchen. "Yeah, you take him," I scold. "And it's a terrace, dumbass!"

My fresh pedicure matches the glossy tiles of the floor I walk on. I loved apartments, condos, lofts, anything down that alley. Staying in a penthouse while I'm here is probably my best idea yet. My worst? Obviously the one where I ended up calling these fools to come over.

"Don't talk to your boo like that," Alexis whispers in my ear as she brushes past me. I snap my head to her, slamming her down with my deathly glare. She is skating on thin ice.

I go through stages in my life where I have different ideas of a good time. Sometimes a good time was watching movies at home, sometimes it's partying, sometimes it's solitude in a foreign country. Right now, I am back on the relaxation tip. I knew I would be in the studio tonight so when DeVante called and we decided to hang, I told him come down here. Later, we'll go together. In the meantime, brought the fells for a good time.

Dalvin rolls his eyes as K-Ci's pager goes off for the third time today. "Man, she been paging you all day, B. Turn that shit off."

"You turn it off and watch what she do to me," he retorts. Snorting, Dalvin's boisterous guffaw rings around the room. K-Ci's eyes roll as he looks to me. "Lyric, can I use your phone?" His phone sits on the charger in the corner of the room.

"Yeah, it's over there." I point in the direction of the phone.

This brief interaction reminds me that Mayte hasn't taken me up on my offer yet. I expected her to have called by now the way Prince was acting those few days ago. He was really feeling as if he were above everyone. Is that who he's become? His ego has grown a mind of its own. It's sad.

I pay no mind as Mike closes the door behind Buffy, who brings in all of the food everybody ordered from the Chinese kitchen down the street. We had it delivered and she picked it up. Skipping out to the back terrace, I see JoJo and DeVante talking by the railing.

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