The Purple Hair

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Jack and I were cuddled up on the couch with a blanket draped around us when the doorbell rang. Neither of us felt like getting up, and Cam, even though it was already four in the afternoon, was still asleep. He had been coming out of his room less and less, just when I thought he was starting to make progress.

"It's open!" I shouted.

Not even a second later the door opened and Abagail came walking in with a big smile on her face. I could tell she had just come from a photoshoot because she was wearing clothes she would otherwise never wear: a tight flowery strapless crop top, high waisted black jeans, and deep red heels, all complimented by a leather jacket, which was the only thing she would actually wear outside of work.

I totally forgot this was the first time Jack and Abagail met each other in real life, they had only seen each other through a screen. They stared at each other for a while before realising who the other person was.

Abagail smirked, "oh look, it's the fuckboy."

"That's me," Jack looked her up and down, making me shiver. I had made them both promise they wouldn't have sex with each other unless they really liked each other. But I didn't really worry. Abagail wasn't a girl that slept around, despite her good looks, and Jack just wouldn't betray me like that. Or at least I hoped.

Abagail's eyes drifted to me, "So, you ready?"

I gave her a confused look, "ready for what?"

"Your date with that guy Brian...? I promised you I would help you get ready... Remember?"

I was confused for a while before finally remembering, "shit, that's today!" I scrambled to get up. What was wrong with me? I was forgetting the simplest things ever.

"You have a date?" Jack grinned, "Way to go!"

"Yeah, I met him at the club."

Jack stiffened up and shifted awkwardly, "You mean the guy that-"

"No, a guy I met before that," I interrupted incase Cam could hear. I hadn't told him and wasn't planning on it either. He would only freak out and never let me go out with Jack again.

"Abagail, when and where is the date, I totally forgot," I turned to her.

"Umm, at 7 and at that one new restaurant that opened last week," she replied while looking at her phone. If you ever needed someone to remember something for you, ask Abagail. She would note anything down.

"Well, I'm going to go home," Jack announced, "you guys have fun. The restaurant is pretty close to my house, so you can always come over if needed, like it being a bad date or something. I would drive you, but Alex just texted me about something he needed."

Hospital Beds and Memories (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon