Don't Change Your Mind

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Tuesday. It was Tuesday and already at fucking 4:30 am the doorbell was being rung over and over again. Who the fuck would ring a doorbell this early! I needed to get more sleep so I wouldn't be too exhausted at the stupid hospital I didn't even want to go to. In case you were wondering, no, I did not see Jack at all anymore, but we did say our goodbyes during our last phone call. It was at least something, right? Of course, I wanted to see him again, but that didn't work out, so I just had to get over it. But it would have really been nice to be able to have seen him in person before all these tests were done to me.

After 2 minutes, the doorbell still hadn't stopped, so I decided to get up and sleepily walk to the door; there was no way Cam was going to go. To make it more clear how sleepy I was, I was wearing and I didn't even care how I looked. Normally I would have at least covered up slightly with a sweater and putting on some longer pants. But nope, I was still dreaming and too dazed to give a fuck.

I grumbled and opened the door to see who the fucking idiot was (I really swear a lot when I'm sleepy, don't I?). Of course, the crazy person had to be the one and only magnificent Jack. Why the fuck was he here? He had to be going to the airport by now. I just wished he didn't change his mind again and wanted to stay here with me anyway. The last couple of days, the entire time, he would say he changed his mind and didn't want to go on tour anyway. I would then have to convince him to go anyway because I really wanted him to go (not because I didn't want him around) and then he would finally agree, before starting again. It was a repeating routine.

"Jack, what-" I started to ask him, but he cut me off. Before I could even register what was going on, Jack had leaned forward, grabbed my face, and pressed his lips against mine desperately. I stood still in shock, but Jack was very determined and kept kissing me. Eventually, I gave in; it just took me a while to realize Jack was actually trying to get me to kiss him back. My arms naturally wrapped around his neck as my fingers played with the hair on his neck. His hands moved down to my waist and he pulled me closer against his body. I got lost in the feeling of the way his dry, yet soft, lips molded with mine, the feeling on his stubble scraping gingerly against my face, and the smell of his familiar shampoo that I had used often in the past.

As much as I was enjoying what was happening, I was running out of breath and really wanted to know why he was here. Luckily for me, Jack pulled away first and rested his forehead against mine so our noses were still pressed together.

He started whispering to me, "I can totally feel you aren't wearing a bra right now."

"Well, you just ruined the moment," I replied and moved away.

"Oh, we were having a moment?" Jack joked.

I pulled the weirdest confused face I could do, "No, it's just a normal thing to randomly show up here and start making out with me before even saying anything. It wasn't like there was actually something going on. Now, what the fuck are you doing here! You're going to be late! Don't tell me you've changed your mind again!"

"No, I didn't change my mind.... Unless you want me to, I'll totally stay if you want me to, just ask and I'll stay, really, I don't mind, I'll call everybody and tell them I'm not coming."

Hospital Beds and Memories (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now