The Not So Great Move

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Somehow Jack and I managed to pack all my boxes into the van and put them all inside of his house before the clock showed 6pm. It might not sound that impressive, but it really was considering we woke up at 1pm. Yep, we slept until that late. You might ask why. Well, I can tell it wasn't because of certain activities, because, trust me, they didn't happen. Cam would always seem to find a way to interrupt when things started to get heated. The sole reason why we slept in was simply we were both just exhausted; Jack because of tour and me because of the whole treatment situation going on.

Speaking of which, I hadn't actually gotten any of the side effects of the chemo yet. Sure, I occasionally felt nauseous, but that hadn't gotten too bad. It didn't cause me to have to throw up. I also was tired a lot, but that wasn't any different as it was still very likely just to be from the leukemia. Oh, and apparently your memory could be affected, but I couldn't tell the difference between what could be caused by the chemo and just having a brain that sucks at remembering.

Anyway, Jack had managed to somehow put our whole adventure on Snapchat. That boy was seriously addicted to the app and even convinced me to get a personal account so he could send me random pictures at random times. But on this day, he basically took photos and videos of us loading in and loading out cardboard moving boxes. It was weird, his fans loved anything he put up. It was pretty strange, actually. They were even happy if I was in the photo, but it also gave them something to bitch about. There were a couple of fans that did stand up for me, but others just wanted to bring me down. However, since I got rid of my twitter account, I barely noticed any of it anymore.

All the boxes were piled up in the living room and Jack suggested we continue with it the next day, but I knew there was no way that was going to happen. We would just keep procrastinating and the boxes would still be standing there when Jack left again for tour. So, I told him that we had to at least bring all the boxes to the rooms where they belonged. But yeah... we couldn't do that without doing weird things in between. Taco was still in her carrier and she looked pretty adorable and I just couldn't leave the opportunity to sing a song.

I danced weirdly around the carrier that was placed on a couple of boxes, causing me to be at eye level of the kitten, "taco cat, taco cat, does whatever a taco cat does. Can she act like a cat? No, because she's a taco. Taco cat!" She let out a high pitched meow right at the end of my singing as if on cue. I turned around and saw Jack recording me, of course to put on his Snapchat story. Instead of getting mad at him I started laughing, really not caring if anybody saw. I was weird and if people didn't like that, they could deal with it themselves.

Jack wrapped his arms around me while I let the small cat sniff my fingers through the metal bars. "You know, I still don't like cats."

"You'll like this one." I grinned and put my hands over Jack's as if I didn't know what would be coming next.

He leaned down, letting his breath tickle my neck before carefully placing kisses towards my shoulder. "I'll like it for you."

I craned my neck to give him more access. "I promise you, you and Taco will be inseparable in a couple of weeks."

"I know I already can't keep my hands off of you." His hands slipped underneath my shirt and trailed over my bare skin softly, exploring as if he had never been able to do it before.

"How about I go take a shower now and then we go take a break and watch a movie. Afterwards we can finish off the last boxes," I proposed, feeling sweaty and sticky from all the heavy lifting we had to do.

"Can I join?" he whispered while going to kiss my sweet spot behind my ear, but I stopped him before he could.

"Nope," I giggled and ran out of his grip, towards the upstairs bathroom. If we were going to go further in that direction I wouldn't have been able to stop anymore, and we would never have finished moving everything. We would have a lot more time for sex later on, especially since I knew Jack would drop anything he was doing just to get some.

Jack groaned loudly and I could only expect him to have plopped down onto the couch. "I got cockblocked by my own goddamn shower!"

Already stripping off my clothes and turning on the water, I shouted back, "You know, I could always pleasure myself-"

"Don't you fucking dare!"

I chuckled and shook my head while I closed the bathroom door. The water washed away the disgusting feeling and I got to use some soap that didn't smell manly and masculine. Since I had been staying here so often, Jack's bathroom had a couple of girl products in it, only soap and shampoo, though. And of course there were the occasional bobby pins or hair ties. But I didn't really need much more for when I was staying here. Now, though, that changed since I was permanently going to be using this bathroom.

I smiled at the fact that Jack and I officially lived together now. It was going to be weird and different, and there was definitely going to be some getting used to, but I was still excited nonetheless. So, I got out of the shower, only having taken a really short one, and wrapped a towel around myself. My hair wasn't wet, so I just walked into the bedroom only to realise that I didn't have anything to change into. There was no way I was going to run downstairs to get the suitcase with some of my clothes in just a towel; I would have to run past Jack, and a horny Jack and me being nearly naked would not go well if I actually wanted to finish this shit. Instead, I opened his closet and looked if there was anything of mine in there.

Surprisingly I actually found some panties that were definitely mine, and I did not know how they even were in here; I probably left them once when I actually brought clothes to change into. He also had a couple of my shirts, but I decided I was too lazy to put on a bra again and instead only put on one of Jack's zip-up hoodies, zipping it up so nothing was showing too much. A bit of cleavage was still fine though.

I hopped back down the stairs and found Jack still on the couch, already having a movie ready to play. At least we wouldn't have to go through the difficult decision of what we wanted to watch anymore. It would either turn into us arguing about who had to choose, or about who had the better movie choice.

"Are you seriously going to wear that around me?" Jack whined while not even trying to hide the fact that he was taking turns at looking at my boobs and my butt. "My dick, which has been sex deprived, can't handle that!"

"Shut up," I laughed and sat on the couch as well, cuddling up against him, "I actually didn't know you had some of my underwear, so I could also have been here practically naked."

"I regret keeping those panties, then." He said in a matter of fact voice before starting the movie and telling me he had somehow managed to let Taco in the downstairs bathroom, where she was going to stay until she thought of it as a safe place.

The movie was some weird comedy movie. Jack seemed really into it, but I just couldn't understand what was happening. It wasn't because I didn't get the humour because whenever I actually figured out what was happening in a scene, I knew what was funny...but I had this weird pain in my stomach that would stay for some time before suddenly disappearing. At first I managed to deal with it, but whenever it hit me again a little while later, it would just get worse. I was actually pretty good at hiding it, because Jack didn't seem to realise, but then I let out a groan as the pain started up again. It literally felt like somebody was stabbing me.

Jack's mood changed completely when he looked down at me. "Are you ok?"

I nodded and rubbed my stomach, hoping it would help ease the pain a bit. "Just a stomach ache."

"You know," he shifted a bit so he was more in a more comfortable position so that he could also look at me, "If you have to use the bathroom, you should. There's nothing to be embarrassed about."

"What?" I laughed and sat up so I could look at him if he was actually being serious.

And, yes, he was, "I just thought that maybe that that might be the reason why you have a stomach ache. I mean, you never fart around me, while I do it a lot, so I thought you might be embarrassed about it and I don't want you to be."

"I literally was on tour with you for quite a while not that long ago. Do you seriously think I'm embarrassed about all that stuff while spending days with basically only guys in a cramped up space? Plus, you sometimes made my bathroom inaccessible for a couple of hours because of what you did in there. Seriously, it's not that," I grinned at him, thinking it was pretty funny he actually thought it could be that.

"Really?" He double checked, still doubting my answer. "Prove it, then."

"Prove it? Do you want me to take a shit on the carpet or something?"

"Yeah. Wait, no, don't take a shit on the carpet... but do prove it."

Ok, so, if you hadn't realised Jack was weird, you would have realised now. He was literally asking me to fart on command in front of him. If you don't think that was weird, then I don't know what you do think is weird. Of course Jack and I basically talked about everything, but this just went a whole step further.

"You want me to fart, like, right now?" I still took it more like a joke. "But I don't have to!"

"Fart for me woman!" He screamed. It was moments like this that I was happy we were at his house and not in (what used to be) my apartment. Neighbours would just think weird stuff; maybe they'd even think we were having some weirdass sex or something. But here, the neighbours either couldn't hear, or they were so used to it, they just didn't care anymore.

But I still wanted him to shut up, so I did it. I wasn't embarrassed about it, so why shouldn't I do it? However, Jack wasn't satisfied with it. Let's just say it wasn't exactly a fart, rather than a toot. I mean, I couldn't do anything else at that moment. But, as said before, Jack wasn't happy, so he decided it would be a good idea to show me what he meant. And, oh my God, did it smell bad.

I covered my nose and ran away. "Oh God, Jack, why!"

"So, I can watch your ass jiggle while you run!" He was totally doing exactly as he was saying, I could just feel it.

"How about you help me bring some of these boxes upstairs so you can see it while I walk in front of you. Isn't that the reason why guys always let girls go in front when going up the stairs?" I looked at the boxes, trying to figure out which ones to take this time.

"Only because you just gave me that great idea," Jack sighed, getting off of the couch and cracking his bones before joining me, choosing which boxes we should take. "Let's bring these boxes to the bedroom."

He checked which one was heavier and handed me the lighter one. We went up the stairs and Jack kept making comments about my ass the entire time. It was like it was the only thing on his mind at that moment, like his brain just shut off and could only focus on my behind. At least he didn't slap it, because that would have totally made me jump and fall off the stairs... trust me... it happened before, before our relationship even started. It was painful to say the least.

I turned on the light in the room and put my box against the far wall, while Jack put his closer to the door. It was mostly more clothes and other weird things I had in these boxes, and most of the weird stuff was probably going to be thrown away but I still brought it all along with me.

I was about to go downstairs again and was going to tell Jack, when he was suddenly standing in front of me. Before I could even open my mouth to say what I wanted to say, his lips were pressed against mine. This time there was no way I was going to stop it, my stomach ache long gone, and we had done enough work for today. At first, we were just making out in the middle of the room, both wanting to have it go even further, but then Jack took initiative. He pushed me back until my back hit something hard. I was about to question what he was doing, when he suddenly lifted me and put me on the dresser I didn't know was behind me. The kiss was not broken, but now Jack's hands were able to explore my body a lot more freely. I pulled him closer by wrapping my legs around waist, just wanting him to take the few garments of clothing I had on off.

"My dick is definitely liking where this is going," Jack pulled away for a bit to catch his breath and look me in the eyes. If it weren't for the comment, I would have said it was pretty romantic.

I looked down and smirked at the bulge that had started to form in his jeans. This boy was so consistently horny. "I can see."

"Now I just hope there aren't any objects in this house that will try to cockblock me again..." He started twiddling with the zipper of the hoodie I was wearing, silently asking for permission to take it off.

I bit my lip and indirectly gave him permission. "Not that I know of."

He started to slowly pull the metal contraption down, "Good-"

And the doorbell rang. Of course the fucking doorbell would ring now. That was just how things worked for us. Whenever things started to get serious, whether it be sexual or actually talking wise, we would somehow manage to get interrupted. It was actually pretty annoying. All we wanted was to get intimate, but somehow the universe wasn't allowing it.

"I'll go," Jack sighed and reached into his jeans, doing a weird thing that hid his boner, "You're practically naked, I don't want some crazy guy kidnapping you."

"I'm afraid that has already happened," I grinned at him before giving him a quick peck. "Be quick though."

"I don't want to keep my lady waiting..." He winked before turning around and disappearing down the stairs.

I waited for a while where I was already seated when I realised that was pretty weird. It would look like I was some creepy doll waiting for Jack to come so I could murder him. So, I jumped off and sat down on the bed instead. To say it was awkward, was really an understatement. I was fumbling around with my hands while hoping to hear anything that would tell me that Jack was coming back. But it just stayed quiet. Although it had only been five minutes, I went to investigate.

When downstairs I heard Jack's voice, and I was about to go to him, when I realised the door to the bathroom was open. Well, shit. The damn cat figured out how to open a door! Never had I ever scanned the entire living room as fast as I did then, when I suddenly saw the figure rushing towards the front door. I ran after her and managed to grab her just before she reached the small hallway at the front door. But leaning over while running isn't such a good idea. I crashed into the wall, hitting one of the frames with many passes from the tours Jack had been on. Not wanting to let that break, I dropped Taco, and instead held onto the frame before it hit the floor. Everything still somehow managed to make loud crashes.

"Everything ok in there?" Jack looked back and asked.

"Grab the cat!" I shouted and pointed at the animal that was running really fast, all while trying to figure out how to put the frame back on the wall.

"I don't know how to!" Jack screeched back as the cat was nearing him.

I exhaled loudly and carefully tried putting the frame on the floor, while leaning it against the wall to keep it up right. It seemed to work, but as I ran after Taco again, I could literally hear it slide down before hitting the floor, the sound of glass breaking pretty evident. Luckily, however, I managed to grab our pet just before she stepped outside. That was a really close call.

I finally had the time to chuckle in relief, I really did not want to have this cat get lost on the first day living with Jack. He was looking at me with crazy eyes, really confused about what had just happened. All I could do was roll my eyes. "She somehow managed to figure out how to open doors..."

"Cat's can do that?" Jack sounded amazed while giving the kitty an approving look.

"Apparently," It was only now that I remembered that somebody was at the door and that I was almost completely naked. Well, fuck. I flashed a quick smile at the two teenage girls standing at our door. I didn't know who they were or why they were here, but they both had their phones out. Before I could embarrass myself any further, I walked back inside casually, acting like nothing had happened.

I quickly put Taco back in the bathroom, making sure to give her some treats so she wouldn't hate me and closed the door. But I wasn't going to be fooled this time. Since the bathroom could only be locked from the inside, I used the zipper of the hoodie to turn around the lock; a trick I had learned in elementary school whenever Cam would manage to get himself locked in the bathroom.

Before going back upstairs I checked out the damage I did on the frame. The glass was completely shattered, but I wasn't going to dare touch it right now, afraid I would get glass on the floor while I was in bare feet. I made a mental note to buy Jack a new frame, and went back to our bedroom, waiting for him to come back.

About five minutes later he returned, looking completely shocked. "I think we might need to move."

"Why?" I asked, already tired from only doing my stuff, really not wanting to do anymore.

"Those girls were fans, and I really don't know how to find out where we live. This happened to Alex before, but I never thought it would happen to me! But that's a story for tomorrow..." He waltzed over to me. "Now, where were we?"

"Still in the mood?" I asked him, really not feeling like it myself anymore.

"Well, you see, my boner was almost completely gone, because teenage girls and stuff, that's just weird, but then you came leaning over, and it just all rushed back." He took this time to also take off his jeans, showing an obvious tent happening in his boxers.

"I would totally have sex with you..." I told him, feeling pretty guilty. "but I'm really not up for it anymore and my stomach ache is coming back. You're allowed to take a shower and jack off, though, if you want."

"Really?" Jack pouted, causing me to nod. "Okay, I'm not going to force you into doing something you don't want to do. But I am totally going to take that shower you offered."

After that he disappeared into the bathroom. I was about to change, when the door suddenly swung open again and Jack stood there completely naked and proud. If it weren't for the fact that the pain was getting worse, I would have blushed and totally have gotten turned on.

"Are you sure you don't want to join me?" He tried one more time.

"Yes," I nodded and tried my best not to have my eyes travel down and away from his face. "Plus, I really don't think I have enough experience to do it in the shower."

"I would totally go all missionary style on you," he smirked, but when he realised I wasn't going to change my mind, he tried something else. "Okay, fine, can you at least give me something to masturbate to?"

I sighed and pulled down the zipper of the hoodie before shrugging it off. Jack's eyes went wide, probably not expecting me to actually do anything, and he just started for a solid minute or so. I raised my eyebrows at him, but he seemed to be too captivated.

"Ok, thanks," he slammed the bathroom door shut and I could help but shake my head at him.

While he was in there doing god knows what, I put on my pajamas -- a simple white shirt and some thin gray sweatpants -- before curling up as a ball on the bed, just hoping for the pain to disappear.

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