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Sexual content included in the is chapter. Written in italics if you would like to skip it.

I made Giovanni actually book a flight through an airline for our trip to Miami. He needed to experience normality. Regular people did not have private planes at their beck and call. He was not happy to say the least. He hadn't been on a public plane in six years. It was interesting to watch him going through security with a dissatisfied look. I had to make sure that there were no guns or other weapons in his bag that would get us thrown into jail. When we finally left security, he was more than ready to get on the plane. I told him we had to wait to be called and that didn't happen for another hour and a half. I allowed him to buy us first-class tickets because it was normal for middle-class patrons. As soon as we were seated, he asked the flight attendant for a drink.

"I will be sure to get that for you once we take off." she said nicely

She walked away helping other passengers to their seats and helping them secure their carry on. Giovanni was livid and although it was amusing, I had to make sure he didn't make a scene.

"Oh, be patient." I giggled

"We would have been half-way there by now." he complained

"Now we get to spend more time together."

"And two hundred other people. And the seats are not comfortable."

"Don't be a diva." I joked

We eventually took off, forty minutes later. The attendants did not come around with drinks for another twenty minutes after that. Giovanni ordered three drinks for himself and I shook my head.

"Well by the time she gets back for me to order another one, we'll be off the plane."

I rolled my eyes at him. He was such a spoiled brat. I reclined my chair and curled up towards the window to take a nap.

"Don't get too drunk." I warned

"I know my limit, unlike some of us."

I flicked him off and punched him in the arm.

"Enjoy your stupid drinks." I mumbled

I wrapped the provided blanket around my body and drifted off to sleep. Giovanni woke me up when the plane began landing and I retreated my seat back into its upright position. I stretched before watching the plane descend out of the window. When we were finally off of the plane, we made our way to baggage claim. Giovanni grabbed both of our suitcases as we headed outside of the airport.

"Mr. Amanté." a man dressed in black called out

"Who is he?"

"Our driver." he responded in a duh tone

"Giovanni." I scolded

"You never said we couldn't have a driver."

The chauffeur placed our bags in the trunk and then opened the door for us. We arrived at the JW Marriott twenty minutes later.

"I should have made all the travel plans." I said

"Why? I work hard for my money, we should be able to enjoy nice things."

"We're supposed to be keeping a low profile."

"We just stepped off of an airliner, is that not low-profile enough?"

"Well booking the most expensive hotel on the beach is not exactly inconspicuous."

"The Ritz-Carlton is the most expensive." he quipped

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