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When Gabriella's water broke, she called me first.

It was a Monday night and I was watching a movie on hulu. Giovanni was doing whatever it was that he does, more than likely overtime at his own company. The baby was not due for another 4 weeks, so I was more than surprised. 

I knew that it would take me a while to get to Jersey in traffic to pick her up, so I called Giovanni.

"I need your plane." I rushed out

"Why? To go where?"

"It's your sister-"

"I'll send a driver. The plane will be ready." he said immediately

A driver arrived at my apartment in no time and I was escorted to Giovanni's private jet. I called Gabriella to check on her contractions.

"Was I supposed to time those?" she asked confused

"That's the idea."

"Well I don't have any and I'm not in any pain."

"Okay well I'm on my way."

"Can you bring me some food?"

"I don't think you're in the position to eat right now."

"Why not?"

"Did you read any of the baby books I bought you?"

"No. Isn't that your job?"

"Gabi!" I scolded

"I still haven't decided on a name yet."

The baby shower was given three weeks ago and Gabi still didn't have a name for the baby. I wasn't surprised that she didn't have a name for her son yet. Gabi did things on her own time.

She had given me a spare key for this moment, so I invited myself in. I expected to see her at least in bed or hunched over in some kind of pain but I was shocked when I arrived and she was watching television like it was a normal day.

"What are you doing?"

"The new episode for Real Housewives of New Jersey is on." she stated in an obvious tone

"You're not even dressed." I pointed out

"I figured my pajamas were comfortable enough."

"Gabi! You're not taking any of this seriously. Your water just broke."

"No need to panic. I'm watching the show for inspiration."

"Inspiration for what?"

"Baby names. You know celebrities love to be unique and name their kids something cool."

"Why can't you just look online or in a book like a normal mom?"

"Honestly I'm too indecisive. I'm already over the names I picked."

I grabbed the remote and shut the television off. I grabbed her laptop and placed it under her round belly.

"I'll pack your bag and you can research some names." I instructed

I went into her room and grabbed the duffel bag I had bought for this occasion. I packed enough clothes for two weeks just in case.

"Did you think of anything?"

"I lose focus once I reach the end of the A's." she shrugged

"Well that means the name you're looking for begins with an A."

I grabbed the laptop from her lap and placed it into the duffel bag along with the charger. I rushed her out of the apartment and headed back to her car. I drove her to the hospital as she sat unusually quiet in the passenger seat.

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