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Giorgio closed the club on Sundays so that he could handle other business with Giovanni. I used those days to go to the Bronx to get my hair done. The service was great and they knew how to handle the texture of my hair. The stylists and barbers knew me by name and we would always talk about celebrity gossip.

As promised, Giovanni increased my security detail by having three guards follow me instead of two. Samuel remained my driver, but Giovanni placed another man on duty in the passenger seat. I could tell Samuel liked working alone because when the new guy arrived, he seemed irritated. To ease his nerves, I continued to try to talk to Samuel about his personal life, even if he never responded with a straight answer.

"Why does she need to drive all the way to the Bronx to get her hair done?" The new guy asked Samuel quietly

"Because my hair is too nappy for Manhattan stylists." I answered with an attitude

Samuel tried to hide the smile that etched onto his face.

"Whatever she wants, she gets." Samuel said with a shrug

I called Giovanni to see where he was. I hadn't heard from him since before I left the penthouse.

"Hello?" He answered

"What are you doing?"

"Miss me?"


"I'm working. I have some math I need you to do later."

"That doesn't sound like you asking me."

"Can you do some numbers for me, please?"

"That's much better. I'll think about it." I laughed

"Where are you headed?" He asked me

"Nail salon and probably lunch."

"Okay, I'll be back in a few hours"

"I know."

We got off of the phone and I proceeded to the nail salon for my routine treatment. Other than the hair salon, the employees of the places I frequented in Manhattan believed that I was Giovanni's wife. When I would try to explain that I was neither betrothed nor wedded to him, it would fall on deaf ears.

After my nails were completely dry, I left the salon and decided to eat lunch on the terrace. I instructed Samuel to take me back to the penthouse so I could have a chef cook me a meal. I was of course followed by the three guards up to my room. They kept their distance as to not bring attention and to keep me from feeling uncomfortable. When I unlocked the door, one man stood guard outside while the other two went in before me to inspect the rooms. Just as they finished their round I took off my shoes. Giovanni never let them inside unless to conduct a room check.

I went into the kitchen and used the phone to order some food. I had gotten so used to someone else cooking for me, that I didn't even think to prepare a meal for myself.

My meal was delivered to me thirty minutes later. It was a BLT with honey mustard and a soda. I sat down on one of the decorative lawn chairs, watching the city.

I decided to take a bath and cook for Giovanni for once. I ran some bath water and soaked in the water for awhile. I was careful to keep track of the time since I wanted the food to be ready by the time he made it back.

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