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A few months later

"What did your parents call this party again?" I asked Gabi

"A sip and see. But I'm the only one who can't sip anything." she pouted

"Water and lemon sound delicious." I offered

Carla and Francesco was throwing their first-born grandson a party for all of their distant family and friends to attend. The whole point of the party was to show off Angelo and the four-month old was loving the attention. For the first time in a few months, Angelo was not attached to Gabi, but instead to everyone in the room. Gabriella was announced as the mother and soon after, she was forgotten.

Gabi was a little sour, given the fact she was used to receiving all of the attention since she was the youngest girl in the family. And to make matters worse, for Gabi, she could not drink any alcohol at the party since she was breastfeeding Angelo.

"I guess, only if you'll get some with me." Gabi shrugged

I agreed to be miserable with her only because I was not in a drinking mood. Most of the people here were strangers and I needed to keep an out to see who was kissing Angelo, which was against my rules.

"Be sure not to put your lips on him, instructions from his godmother!" Carla announced

"And who is this godmother?" some woman asked coarsely

"Drew, there she is. Come over here and let me introduce you."

I was in no mood to deal with rude old ladies who insisted on putting their germ infested mouths on my godson, so I was more than happy to make myself known. I walked over to Carla, who was positioned in the middle of the den. I made sure to wear a smile, but I kept my eyes fierce.

"This is Drew. Angelo's godmother." Carla introduced

I nodded at the crowded room.

"It is tradition to kiss the baby." the same woman argued

"Well it is also very dangerous for the baby, who has sensitive skin and lacks the complex immune system that we have. Brain and liver damage can occur to Angelo if someone here has herpes." I said holding her gaze

There were whispers throughout the room, mostly filled with remarks about my breaking of the Italian tradition. I looked over to Carla and smiled before leaving the room to catch up with Gabi.

"Quite the presentation you gave there. I was hoping you would break out a graph and some statistics." She smiled

"Well I'm sorry that I did some reading on how to prevent SIDS."

"I'm not complaining, neither is my mom. You're doing your job."

"Thank you." I beamed

Carla came into the kitchen with us holding a crying Angelo in her arms. Gabi put down her food and drink to tend to her son.

"He probably needs his diaper changed."

She headed upstairs the Amantés' gorgeous home to find a private room to change Angelo in.

"I see you haven't lost your fire." Carla spoke

"Why would I?" I smiled

"I'm glad you've decided to continue being Angelo's godmother."

"Would there be a reason why I wouldn't?"

"Well, with Giovanni and you broken up-"

"That has nothing to do with Angelo." I quickly interjected

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