Chapter 14

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A/n: I may have gotten a bit carried away with this one


(Still Hank's POV)

I set Y/n down in the infirmary on one of the hospital beds, sadly. She hadn't woken up what-so-ever on the way home. It absolutely broke my heart to see the girl I love seemingly dead.

Her pulse had gotten stronger over the past few hours, giving me a sliver of hope, but not much.

I sat down on the chair that was next to the bed,

Why did we involve her? She didn't deserve to be in this position. She didn't deserve any of this. I didn't even deserve to be in her presence.

Tears poured down my face as I buried my face in my hands.

Doubts clouded my mind, like, what if she never woke up, and other things like that.

"She'll wake up sooner or later, Hank." Charles said suddenly, making me jump slightly.

"Says who?" I said grumpily, leaning back in my chair.

"You should be more hopeful, Y/n will wake up soon." Charles reassured me, but I could see the hopelessness in his eyes.

~Time Skip~ (Again)

It had been two weeks, and she still hadn't woken up. I had only left the infirmary to eat and go to the bathroom.

My eyes had been red and my face had been stained red from crying. I had almost completely lost hope of her ever waking up.

"Oh God, please, please just wake up. I just want my Y/n back." I sobbed into her shirt.

~Y/N's POV~

I was stuck in the middle of a very white light and complete darkness. I could hear somebody constantly sobbing and talking.

It was impossible to tell time in here.

I still had my body and everything, but I couldn't go more than 6 feet each way. I was trapped in an invisible box.

The light seemed peaceful, but quiet and serious, while the darkness seemed sad and solemn, but with an undertone of pure love.

I had wounds on my shoulder and my stomach, but no blood or pain. I felt in distress constantly, I was pretty much living in a 6x6 box.

Except I didn't need to eat, or do any of the things I'd regularly do.

I had been leaning on the invisible box one day, when it suddenly disappeared, leaving my hands crackling with electricity.

"Woah." I said to myself, as I willed myself to go a couple feet away.

I spent a couple minutes testing my new power and just having fun with it.

I remember people saying "Don't go towards the light." But I ignored all of those people and went towards the light.

I was about to enter into the light, when I heard the sobbing.

"Oh God, please, please just wake up. I just want my Y/n back." The voice was familiar, too familiar. It had come from the darkness, they had sounded insanely heartbroken, so I decided to go to the darkness.

Within a minute I had reached the very edge of the darkness. I saw a man sobbing over, what looked like, me.

I stepped inside the darkness, coldness swirled around me, making me shiver violently.

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