Chapter 9

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A/N: I'm honestly really proud of myself with this one


Go me! yay

I also have a good/ bad idea for the end of this XD

Well, Enjoy!

~Chapter Start~

Charles, still in his hung-over state, had told us it would be about a four hour drive to DC, where we were apparently seeing if this kid would help up get Erik out of the Pentagon.

Me and Hank sat in the back, while Charles drove and Logan sat in shotgun. Charles driving was a big mistake. He drove way too fast, and jerked the car quite a bit.

I had surprisingly fallen asleep, despite Charles' horrid driving. It wasn't very comfortable, and I ended up falling asleep against Hank's shoulder after talking to him for a bit about how our lives had been for the last five years. Not much had happened for him at the mansion, just taking care of Charles and being in his precious laboratory.

I told him what I did, AKA: not much.

I woke up to Logan telling Charles "Here, here, here."

Charles instantly replied "Where?" As I opened my eyes.

"Just stop here." Logan replied gruffly.

"All right, all right." Charles said, obviously already done with Logan's shit. "Asshole." He muttered afterwards.

"Next time, I'm driving." Logan looked at Charles.

"Don't get used to it." Charles replied, annoyed.

We all got out of the tiny rental car, Hank helping me out of the car and walked towards the very nice looking modest house. As we got up to the door I noticed that the doormat was very burnt, as in, the middle of it was pure black.

A tired mother answered the door. "What has he done now? I'll just write you a check for whatever he took." She told us, obviously done this before.

"We just need to talk to him." Logan said, crossing his arms.

She let us in and told us where his room was and I whispered a thank you to her as she smiled at me.

"Peter! The cops are here! Again!" She yelled down to him as I giggled slightly and looked up at Hank, who was also chuckling a little bit. We entered the door to his room, me in front.

He was just a silver blur, going back and forth between the sides of the ping pong table, playing by himself.

"What do you guys want? I didn't do anything." He then suddenly sat on the couch, smirking at us, but more me than anybody else. "I've been here all day."

"Just relax Peter. We're not cops." Logan told him calmly.

"Of course you're not. If you were, you wouldn't be driving a rental car." He smiled at me, he might have been flirting, but, then again, I'm clueless.

"How did you know we've got a rental car?" Charles asked, curious

"I checked your registration when you were walking to the door. I also had some time to kill so I went through your rental agreement. Saw you were from out of town. Are you FBI?" He talked so fast that I could barely even understand him. He got up in his quick manner and swiped Charles' wallet, splayed it out on the table ,and took out the card for the school. "No, you're not cops. Hey what's with this gifted youngsters place?"

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