Chapter 6

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A/N: I got no suggestions and I'm in a library sooo... this happened.

And also I get First Class tomorrow.

So yay. Enjoy!

~Start Of Chapter~

I quietly made my way round the Manor, looking at every single thing with fascination. I turned down multiple hallways, finding multiple rooms unlocked but, seeing only empty classrooms and bedrooms, never running into anybody once.

After multiple very uninteresting rooms, I stumbled across a HUGE library. I was amazed on how many old books there were. It was simply extraordinary. It was very dusty though. I took an interesting looking book out of its shelf, and noticed it was one of my favorite books, The Fellowship of the Ring.

I plopped down on one of the old, dusty, chairs and sat contently, reading my book and being totally immersed in the story

Pippin absolutely had to be my favorite character, he was just so childish and cute. Sam was so protective of Frodo and it was ADORABLE.

I quickly whizzed through the book and looked out of the window, only to see that it was about high noon.

"Holy shit I'm hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy." I moaned rubbing my stomach, getting up from the incredibly comfy chair and walking out of the beautiful library, to a kitchen that I saw on the way in.

The kitchen was deserted, but I got some chips and a bottle of water anyways. After going to the bathroom, I made my way back to the library. After putting my snacks down, I rushed over to the shelves, trying to find The Two Towers. Once I found it I jumped back into my chair, snuggling up against the old smelling fabric.

"God, I love this book." I muttered to myself, smiling.

~Time Skip Sponsored by @Stormingstar Not really she just cool~

It had been a few hours and I had finished The Lord of the Rings and had started on the Narnia series.

I had been so into the book I was reading I hadn't noticed somebody walk in.

"You seem quite into that book." Hank said as I jumped and fell on the floor, dropping my book in the process.

"WHY HANK WHYYYYYYYYYY!" I yelled at him, curling up into a fetal position.

"Sorry!" He apologized immediately.

"Hank, it's okay. You just scared the absolute shit out of me." I told him, laughing and getting myself up from off of the floor.

"When did you find this place?" Hank picked up my book off of the floor, his lab coat sleeves dipping slightly below his hands.

"This morning, I've been here all day, just reading." I told him taking my book back.

"Narnia?" He asked, a look of amusement set on his face.

"Yeah! I haven't read them since I was a kid." I plopped back down on the chair and he sat in the chair next to me.

"Same." He said, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes.

He put back on his glasses, picked up one of the books that I was too lazy to put away and started reading.

Needless to say, nobody could find you two for a couple of days.

~End Of Chapter~ 

Thanks for reading!

Sorry if it's kinda crappy and short.

It's just kinda a filler chapter.

Cuz I need more things to happen between You & Hank 

Cuz... Reasons

Too Shy to Do Anything {Hank McCoy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now