Chapter 4

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A/N: Eyyyyyyyyyyy I be back



It may be kind've rushed and there isn't any interactions with Hank *cri* but it kind've needed you to meet the rest of the peoples! YAY

~Start Chapter~

My chest was heaving from my morning run around the HUGE campus. I quickly stopped at one of the benches, taking a huge swig of my water bottle.

I had only been here a few days but I still thought about how I hadn't met anybody else in the mansion, even though Sean did say there was at least one more person living in the mansion. Maybe the reason I hadn't met any other new people was because I had only hung out with Hank.

Somebody come from the trail behind me and sat down next to me.

"Hi! I'm Cathy!" A brunette said, making me jump.

"I'm Y/n." I said, being a bit shy.

Once I took a closer look at her I saw that her eyes and her hair were changing color every second.

"Have you toured around campus yet? If not, I'd like to show you." She said, happily. She seemed like a nice person, just wanting to help.

"N-no I haven't, I've just been keeping close to the house." I told her honestly.

"Well, let's go! We can go tour the grounds!" She said enthusiastically, taking my hand.

"Alright, I'd like that." I said as she dragged me out to the back of the house.

"This is where I like to hang out." She said, pointing to a bench in between some overgrown bushes.

"That looks like a nice place, shade, but sun, it just looks comfy." I laughed a bit.

"It's perfect, for just sitting in the sun." She said happily, sitting down.

"Wow." I said sitting down, it was a perfect spot..

"I know right? Do you want to see the garden? I feel like you'll like it there." She told me, getting up

"Sure, I love gardens." I said, following suit.

"Well, c'mon!" She said, pulling my hand.

She brought me to a hedge maze, with a fancy fountain in the middle.

"I was always horrible at mazes." I admitted, smiling shyly.

"That's okay! I am too!" She said as we entered the hedge maze, no idea where we were going.

I laughed, being pulled along by my new friend.

We were still lost when she said, "So, who have you been hanging out with?"

"Well, I've really only hang out with Hank, because we like the same TV shows and everything." I told her, my face turning a bit red.

"Awww, does somebody have a crush on Hanky boy?" She teased me as my face turned a brighter shade of red.

"N-no..." I stuttered, looking down.

"You dooo!" She said, hugging me.

We kept walking, in what seemed like, circles, laughing and just having a great time.

She looked down at her watch and said "Oops! Sorry! I promised Sean that I'd meet him for dinner."

"That's alright, I'm fine being here alone." I smiled at her. "Bye Cathy! Have fun with Sean!"

"Bye Y/n! I'll see you later. I hope you'll have fun with Hank!" She said, walking towards the exit.

I smiled to myself and walked toward the middle of the maze.

It took me a few minutes, but I eventually got to the fountain.

It was absolutely breathtaking, there were tiny bird and squirrels hanging out on the fountain, perfectly happy. The hedges were a little overgrown, but it looked amazing.

"Oh God," I laughed to myself. "I'm going to need somebody to get me out of here."

I sat peacefully in the garden for hours, it had given me the sense of tranquility, making me feel completely free of my worries.

"Y/n?" I heard somebody yell. "Are you out here?"

"I'm in the maze! I don't know how to get out." I yelled, admitting my fault.

After about a minute, Hank emerged, a shy smile set upon his face.

"I memorized the maze." He said, making me feel a bit stupid.

"Is it an easy one?" I asked, laughing a bit.

"Um, yeah. It kind of is." He said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, thanks for coming to get me." I said as we walked outside of the maze together.


~End of Chappie~

A/N: Feel free to hate on me for being a day late in the comments

Cuz I'm stoopid

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