Chapter 13

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~Hank's POV~

I watched from inside of a police car as Logan got thrown over the stadium and into the Potomac River. I panicked a little bit, one because of Logan, and two, because I couldn't find Y/n anywhere.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Erik pulled, what looked like, a safe room out of the White House and put it on the lawn in front of him. He pulled the door of and floated all of their guns into the air. He then turned all of the live news cameras towards him.

"You built these weapons to destroy us. Why? Because you are afraid of our gifts. Because we are different. Humanity has always feared who is different. Well, I'm here to tell you, to tell the world, you're right to fear us. We are the future. We are the ones who will inherit this earth, and anyone who stands in our way will suffer the same fate as these me you see before you. Today was meant to be a display of your power. Instead, I give you a display of the devastation my race can unleash upon yours. Let this be a warning to the world. And to my mutant brothers and sisters out there, I say this; no more hiding, no more suffering, You have lived in the shadows in shame and fear for too long. Come out, join me. Fight together in the brotherhood of our kind. A new tomorrow, that starts today." Erik droned on.

After Erik's speech Nixon walked out of the safe room to approach Erik.

"Mr. President! Sir!" Somebody yelled from inside as his men grabbed him to try and stop him.

"Stand down!" Nixon yelled at his men as he walked, faced Erik and pointed at him. "You want to make a statement? Kill me? Fine! But spare everyone else!"

A Sentinel started shooting at me through the car and I started fighting it again. I stabbed myself with several leftover serums, and it made me turn back into my normal self. The Sentinel then backed off and looked at Erik and Nixon, making a run for them. Erik pulled the Sentinel apart, and Nixon took out a gun, shot Erik, but it only grazed his neck. Nixon then turning into Raven. "You used to be a better shot." Erik spat.

"Trust me, I still am." She shot back, knocking Erik out.

She turned her gun at Trask, but she then yelled "Get out of my head Charles!"

I noticed Charles crushed under a part of the stadium, with somebody that looked like Y/n knocked out next to him, with blood all around her.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no." I ran to Charles and Y/n.

Charles was communicating with Raven through her mind as I went over to Y/n, who was shot in her stomach and her shoulder.

"All you've done so far is save the lives of these men. You can show them a better path." Charles said.

"Shut her down, Charles." I told him, tears running down my face.

"I've been trying to control you ever since the day we met and look what that's got us. Everything that happens now is in your hands. I have faith in you, Raven." Charles said, blood on his hairline.

Raven dropped her gun took off Erik's helmet and walked away.

"He's all yours, Charles." Raven said, as Charles made Erik open his eyes and lift the metal bars up. I helped him up, tears still pouring down my face.

"If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead. You know that." Erik said as I knelt down next to Y/n and tucked a stray piece of her beautiful h/c hair behind her ear.

"Goodbye, old friend." Erik said, as I put my hand to her neck, feeling for a pulse.

"Goodbye, Erik." Charles said as Erik looked at Raven for a moment before floating away. Raven turned and looked at us before turning to walk away.

"You sure you should let them go?" I asked, uncertainly. I faintly felt a pulse, it was just barely there, but it was there.

"Yes, I have hope for them. There's going to be a time, Hank, when we are all together." Charles said.

"What about Logan?" I asked.

"He'll be okay, he's a fighter." Charles answered.

We sat in silence for a while as I bandaged Y/n's wounds with part of her shirt.

Charles broke the silence, "She really loved you, you know. She thought she was dying, so she told me to tell you."

I looked up, dumbfounded.

"R-really?" I stuttered and blushed.


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