Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey guys! How are you guys?!

I'm great! I get to see Suicide Squad today!



~Start of Chapter~

Hank's POV (New POV! Yay!)

I quietly knocked on Y/N's door as noise came from the other side of the door.

"Hi!" She said happily her E/C eyes shining. "What's up?"

"N-new Star Trek episode is on, i-in a half hour." I cursed myself for being so shy around her.

"OH SHIT! I'll go get the popcorn!" She yelled and ran towards the stairs, her H/L hair flowing behind her.

I quietly chuckled at her cute antics and ran after her. I found her in the kitchen rushing around as the popcorn popped in the microwave and she grabbed a liter of soda.

Once the microwave beeped, she quickly grabbed the bag and poured it into a big bowl, as I leaned up against the doorframe, slightly smiling at her antics.

"You ready?" She asked with a sweet smile, trying to balance all of her snacks in one hand.

"You realize we still have a half an hour until the show starts, right?" I chuckled and took the soda.

"Well, what do you want to do for that time?" She started walking to the TV room.

"No idea." I said following her as her beautiful laugh rang out through the hallways.

We both sat down at the couch and started talking about random things like who was our favorite Star Trek character (Bones) but, it somehow got to our childhoods.

"Well, my dad was kind of abusive to me and my mother, always drunk. So when I was 5 me and my mother left. We moved to a little town, (Insert town name here), and my powers started showing up, first I could tell when people were lying, and then my hands would randomly catch on fire when I was eight, so my mother started homeschooling me and I was exceptionally smart and ALWAYS reading and doing stuff on my chemistry set. Then I met my best friend, James, at the library. He had heard about me from the other kids and wanted to be my friend because, and I quote 'You're fascinating'." She explained, sadly smiling as she did. "My mom ended up dying when I was 18, so about 8 years ago. I took her death hard, as most people would but, Jim helped me through it."

"So, it's my turn right?" She nodded, smiling. "Okay, so I was kind of a kid genius, I graduated college when I was sixteen, but my mutation started when I was like thirteen or fourteen. My feet were like hands in a weird way. So, I just decided to stay out of everybody's way and keep to myself, but I was recruited to an operation in the government. I was kind of ashamed of my feet, so I made a serum that I thought would make look normal. It backfired and I turned in to what Alex called 'Beast'." I told her. Much to my surprise, she hugged me as my face flushed from the sudden contact.

"That's horrible Hank." She said and squeezed my frame tighter.

"But, umm," She said quietly. "Do you think I could see?"

She was obviously nervous, so I nodded and took my glasses off. I stood up as my face started to turn blue and hairy, the rest of my body followed. I shyly turned around to face her. Her face was full of shock but, soon turned into a smile.

"You're so fluffy!" She hugged me again. "You're like a giant, blue, teddy bear!"

I slowly turned back to my normal self and we both sat on the couch to watch the new episode, but I wasn't paying attention to it, she was more interesting. She was interesting on how she wasn't afraid of my when I had changed, her facial expressions when they got into trouble, or something exciting happened.

She was definitely extraordinary and I definitely had a crush on her.


~End Of Chapter~

How would you guys feel if I like went along the storyline of Days Of Future Past.

I know it would kind've screw up the timelines but ehhhhhhhhh

Too Shy to Do Anything {Hank McCoy X Reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora