Chapter 23

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Riley's POV

"Riley! Can you believe this?" I smiled as I watched Mason prance around in excitement, like a child on Christmas morning. He received the e-mail we've all been waiting for, his doctor's approval for his top surgery. What's top surgery you ask? It's a surgery Mason will receive in which it removes the fatty tissue from his chest, giving him a flat chest.

I looked around and saw the smiling faces of Mason, his parents, and fellow friends.

"I'm so happy for you, baby" I kissed his cheek.

"So when will it happen?" his father asked, placing his right hand on Mason's shoulder.

"Only four weeks dad!" he looked at both his parents, "Thank you both for all your support."

"Thank you for showing us the son we never knew. We will always support you honey." His mother wrapped him up in a hug.

The rest of that evening seemed full of excitement and tears. I've never seen him so happy and honestly wouldn't ever want to see him any less happy than he was tonight. I looked down from staring at the night sky and glanced up at Mason. He had me wrapped in his arms, dazed out at the constellations.

"Hi" I said faintly, poking his abdomen.

"Hey baby girl" he said above a whisper, smiling down at me.

"Thank you for the amazing 9 months of being your girlfriend..."

"Thank you for the lovely 9 months of being your boyfriend. I love you Riley."

"I love you" I slowly rubbed his chest with my thumb, feeling it go over the grooves of his binder. Wouldn't be long before he'd be more confident in himself.

Transgender (Rilaya) {COMPLETED}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن