Chapter 2

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Maya's POV

"Mayaaaa" I awoke to Riley hovering over me. Mentally, I was beating her up for calling me that.

"Morning Pumpkin." I managed to groan as I stretched out my arms and yawned. "You going somewhere?" I asked as I saw her dressed up, makeup and all.

"If you would remember, we are meeting the boys at Topanga's today. Remember, it's Saturday." she slowly said as if I were stupid.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot, time?" I asked.

"11:35, you got 25 minutes ma'am" she joked.

"D-don't call me that." I said slowly. She raised her hands in surrender and apologized. 

"Whatever, hurry up." she exited. First thing was first, binder. Ace bandages just hurt me too much, so I managed to order one without my parent's consent. As I put it on, I never thought it would be that tight. But hey, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do. I then put on a loose red flannel shirt over my torso, I have to say, I looked pretty good. I managed to put on black skinny jeans and some red Vans to match. 

I looked in the mirror, everything looked great. I looked.... handsome. Then I glanced up to my hair, long and flowing as ever. My smile faded. My parents would kill me if I ever cut it, beanie it is. I tucked all my hair into a small black beanie. I could definitely pass. 

"5 minutes!" Riley yelled from her living room. One more glance and I smiled. 

"Woah. What's with the beanie?" she asked confused.

"Riles, I've told you for years I wanted short hair, so this'll do." I laughed.

"Well you look beautiful." she smiled. Ouch. I nodded and we made our way down to Topanga's.


Lucas and Farkle were already their waiting for us to arrive.

"Sup dorks." I exclaimed.

"Woah Maya, new look?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah get used to it Huckleberry." I responded without hesitation.

"Ladies..." Farkle joked.

"Farkle.... wait Maya you didn't do it?" Riley exclaimed. I just shrugged. We just began talking about school. 

I couldn't help but think about Riley the whole time. She is my best friend, she has been for years. If anyone deserves to know, it is her. But how can I know if she would be okay with it? Okay Mason, time for plan B. Something with the LGBT+ topic.

Disregarding what they were talking about, I interrupted. "So uh didn't you guys see where they legalized gay marriage all of the U.S.? Pretty cool right?"

"Whatever makes them happy, doesn't affect me. I actually had a cousin who was like the second gay couple to be married in Virginia." Farkle shrugged.

"I think it's great!" Riley smiled. Bingo.

"I think it's stupid. All you're doing is marrying sinners." Lucas got defensive. I almost had all of them but Texas here had to ruin it. 

"Marriage shouldn't be based on your religious beliefs Lucas, love is love. If you're happy, you're happy." I added. 

"They are nasty freaks, all of them and anyone in the lgb- whatever you call it." he also added. 

"Well, prior to you're beliefs, I hope you still respect us, cause I for one support it." Riley sounded hurt.

"Same here." I added. Farkle raised his hand implying that he was on our side.

"You guys are my friends and I understand." he calmed down.

This is gonna be harder than I though with Buckey McBoing-Boing.

"What was that?" Riley smiled at me.

"Ah nothing, just talking to myself. My mind is no place for kind beings as yourself.." I joked.

I am gonna tell her. Tonight? Or soon. Whenever I can mentally be prepared and tell her. If all goes good with her then I'll go from there.

Transgender (Rilaya) {COMPLETED}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu