"I can't have this," She muttered, placing her bow deep into the nearest bush. She felt like she was leaving behind Calum, and that little piece of him that she still possessed. She'd never been without it since he died, "We need to get rid of all our weapons."

Matt nodded and left his machete in the bush next to Georgina's bow. She felt the ghost of a smile as she dashed to the edge of the building. She paused outside a door and waited for Matt. He nodded to her and she pushed the door open, checking for anyone. She mouthed the word 'clear' and slipped inside the door with Matt at her heels. With her back pressed firmly against the wall, she soundlessly made her way through the hallways until she came to a large open door, the sounds of chatter and clashing metal drifting to her ears.

"It looks like the meeting the men were talking about," She whispered, "Just blend in and let's not draw any attention to ourselves."

Matt nodded and Georgina slipped inside the door, making her way through the masses of people. Each of them looked ragged and hard-worked. Others around the sides were armoured and carried large guns.

Crowd control.

"How does he keep so many people under his thumb?" She asked and Matt shook his head distastefully.

"He will kill who he wants, when he wants," Matt replied, eyeing the crowd, "And besides, there are things worse than death that Negan would happily inflict."

Georgina paused.

"We're going to have to split up," She said, "We don't fit into the same factions, and people seeing us talk will raise questions. We'll meet up soon, and we can figure out what we're doing here."

Matt didn't reply, just linked his hand with hers. She felt a strain on her heart as his thumb brushed over her knuckles, a promise that he would be there for her, protect her and care for her no matter what happened to them both. She looked up at him with glassy eyes, wanting nothing more than to hold him, but she could not. She tore her eyes from him and glued them to the raised platform in her straight line of vision before she fell to pieces.

"Be careful," He whispered to her as he pretended to look to the side. His hand fell from hers and a pang struck her heart.

"You too," She replied, gently biting her lip to focus herself.

She sucked in a deep breath as Negan stepped forth on the raised metal platform, with Lauren at his side. Her eyes bore no emotion, no hared or fear. Either she was broken inside, or she was able to mask what she felt very well. As he appeared, each person knelt down. Georgina almost fell to her feet. She mirrored everyone else, her head bent low.

"It's cool, isn't it?" Negan's voice met Georgina's ears, "Loyalty.. Obedience."

He paused.

"You can have that too," He smiled, taking Lucille into his hands, "You just need to work for me, and stay loyal to me."

"I will," She replied steadily, "You know I will."

"Oh you're good," He laughed, placing a hand on her cheek, "You're so good. It's too bad I don't like damaged goods."

Georgina could almost swear she saw a flicker of hatred in Lauren's eyes. A burning ember that just needed air to flame.

"There's tryouts for more raiders in the courtyard," Negan announced, placing a hand to his mouth as if to block Lauren from his words, "Because someone killed them all. As you were."

Negan turned and left the platform, a reluctant Lauren at his heels. Georgina tried to find her place in the bussle of people and when she turned to the side, Matt was gone. She felt her heart clench as she followed the closest woman outside and to the gardens. She mimicked their movements, picking up a trowel and tending to the gardens. She noticed a middle aged woman with wiry blonde hair and dirty hands watching her, she pretended not to not notice, and continued to tend to the gardens.

She lifted her eyes to see Matt in a line across back towards the main building. She watched him as Dwight sized each of the men up. She figured he'd gone to join the raiders, and that was a much better idea than her, a glorified gardener. She needed to blend in, and she supposed this would be the easiest.

"I know you don't belong here," The woman appeared beside Georgina, facing the other way so it wasn't apparent they were talking, "I won't say anything, but I hope you know what you're doing."

"What are the rules around here," Georgina asked, discarding her façade.

"You bow when he comes," The woman spoke, "Any of those men with guns, they are higher up than you and they get whatever they want. Better off a pretty girl like you keep your head down. We're all inside by dark. No wandering or you'll be caught and it's not good. We're just the labourers, we're not supposed to know much, but if you listen, you'll find out more than you think."

"Thank you," Georgina said sincerely, weeding the tomatoes.

"Just stick with me and keep your head down," She spoke, "Whatever you need to do, just don't get caught."

She paused.

"And whoever you're waiting for," She said, following Georgina's gaze to the line of men Dwight was testing, "Better forget he's here, it'll be better for both of you."

Georgina nodded and took one last look at Matt before she focused on the plants infront of her, even though she lacked experience in how to deal with anything concerning growth. She didn't have an affinity for keeping plants alive. She just watched, and learned, and listened to the convirsations of men and women that passed her.

She watched Matt pass her, his pained eyes meeting hers for the second he passed. She could feel the restraint he used to stay away from her. She realised then, that her mission would be a lot harder than she expected.


oh if only you knew what I have planned for Mina ! !

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Forever Broken // Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now