A Mission

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I stumbled back. Oran? The one that looked at me with such hatred. The one that looked as if he would be happy if I died? It couldn’t be true. But here I was, still alive and owing my life to him.

“Th…That ca…can’t be true.” I whispered looking at all of the faces around me. Marlon had a smug grin on his face and Joshua just looked slightly annoyed. Amber stared at me steadily and Ava was probably a mirror of my face. Complete shock.

“Well it is.” Marlon dismissed quickly. “Now we have some serious business to do since you have come around and stopped acting like a wild animal.”

My fists clenched and Ava stiffened up as if ready to attack.

With the most steady voice I could manage I said “Why is that all you came for? Not to see if we were ok but to use us?”

A flash of regret pierced his eyes but was soon replaced by cold indifference. “No not just for that although I do have a mission for you. But first you need to be fixed up.”

I rolled my eyes and was about to say something snarky when Ava interrupted.

“What makes you think that we are going to work for you after this whole event? You would have left her to die, what says you won’t do it again? You promised us safety but you have not delivered. I will not risk my life for you if you wouldn’t do the same.”

“I did risk my life. And the lives of several of my rebels to come and rescue Blaise.”

Ava looked in disgust at Marlon. “You wouldn’t have done if Oran hadn’t told you to though. We could leave now and not be bothered by any of this. We don’t have to put our lives on the line.”

Seeing that a new outburst was about to happen, Amber stepped in between them.

“Right. We need Ava and Blaise. You know that Marlon, so can’t we come to an agreement? We can’t be arguing on our own side when we are fighting another battle against Magicians as well.”

It did make sense, I thought to myself. I secretly wanted to fight, to rebel against people who had caused me and thousands of others pain.

“Ok.” Marlon muttered reluctantly. “I promise that I will keep you safe and help in any way I can as long as you are willing to take risks and be truly dedicated to this cause.”

Ava looked to me for approval as I thought it over. It was probably the best offer we were going to get.  “Ok, but you have to swear it on that book and Bind yourself to that promise.” I challenged.

Marlon looked slightly taken aback at my determination.

“That seems fair.” Joshua commented. “Lake, Lila and I will oversee it.”

I nodded.

“Ok” Amber let out a breath slowly obviously happy that we had come to an agreement. “Now we have to heal you two and then we can get on with planning the next mission. “

I winced and sat down on the bed, my whole body aching with not only my injuries but fatigue.

“What is the mission?” I asked.

Amber’s eyes glinted with pleasure.

“We are going into the School of Magic.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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