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After the talk with Marlon, another ‘rebel’ Magician showed Ava and I to the room we would stay in.

It was quite small, with white walls, two single beds and a cosy fireplace. Considering we were underground, it was quite airy. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was magic.

We put our stuff on a shelf and collapsed onto the beds with a sigh. I closed my eyes and my mind began to wander. Just this morning I was trapped in a Magicians prison and now I was rebelling against them with my own magic! I wondered what Lillie was doing. Was she safe? Did she know what was going on?

There was a timid tap on the door.

“Yes?” I asked. I was just too tired to get up.

“Can you open the door, please?” a young voice called.

I moaned as I stood up and walked over to the door. With the slightest touch of my fingers the door swung open. I smiled at that. Marlon had said that the door would only open to mine and Ava’s touch.

Outside our room stood a small boy with dark curly hair and hazel eyes. He stared up at me and Ava peered around the door.

“Marlon sent me to fetch you.” He said sweetly.

“What for?” Ava asked. The boy shrugged.

“He just said to take you to the Sky Room.”

“Ok, thank you…” I trailed off as I didn’t know his name and he finished off my sentence.

“Johnny”. I smiled. He must only be seven years old. Ava shut the door and we followed the boy through the labyrinth of passages to the Sky Room. I thought of how I was ever going to be able to find my way around here.

When we opened the door to the Sky Room, we saw the whole room was packed with people chattering. I turned to thank Johnny but he had already disappeared into the crowd. Not knowing where to go we shuffled around the edge of the room.

Someone put their hands over my eyes.

“Ouch!” Joshua exclaimed and I spun around.

“What?” I was confused. Joshua was cradling his hands that were very red.

“When I put my hands over your eyes, you burnt me!” he muttered.

“Sor-“but I choked up with laughter and so did Ava. “I didn’t mean to.” I said a little too innocently.

Joshua rolled his eyes at me then stared at his hands. Immediately, his hands went back to their normal colour. He sensed my gaze.

“Healing. A useful trick.” He said and I nodded.

Ava tapped my shoulder. “Marlon is calling us over.” She whispered, pointing over to him.

We weaved in and out of the crowd and people started to stare at us. I put my head down.

“Hello you two. Now this is most of TSM as you can see. Now you just need to be tested, if that’s ok?”

“Tested?” Ava questioned.

“For magic. Don’t worry. We just need to see how strong you are.”

We signalled our consent and Marlon chinked his glass. The room fell completely silent.

“Thank you all. We shall now proceed to the Testing of Ava Mackenzie and Blaise Eden.” Marlon announced grandly. In an undertone he said “I shall put my hands on your shoulders and you just have to close your eyes, ok?”


“Ok. Ava Mackenzie, come forward.” Marlon declared.

Ava stepped out and Marlon put his hands on her shoulders. He looked strained and was breathing deeply when he finished. He took a sip of water before calling out.

“Blaise Eden.” I stepped forwards and Marlon out his hands on my shoulders. I felt something pushing against the back of my mind. I urged to push it away but I managed to stop myself.

Marlon stumbled back, whilst taking his hands off of my shoulders. He looked very pale and he was rubbing his forehead. He then muttered something to a ‘rebel’ and his eyes widened.

“What are they saying?” Ava said in a whisper that I could barely hear. I tried to concentrate but it was no use. I couldn’t hear them.

“I don’t know.” I scanned the room to find everyone had gone back to their own chatter. Suddenly something drew my attention.

Blonde corkscrew curls. That could only be…

Amber turned and grinned, knowingly. She walked over to us. I only felt disbelief. What was Amber doing here? Her parents run the School of Magic!

“Hey, I bet you’re wondering why I’m here.” She sang.

“Yeah!” my shock was obvious.

“Well, a couple of years back I met Marlon. We became really good friends and he kept asking me questions about who I thought should have magic and I said everyone. He then made me promise not to say a word and told me about TSM. I decided to join up as an inside man as I think everyone has the right to learn magic even if you’re poor.”

“Do your parents know?”

“Oh… No, of course not. They would never let me out again if they knew!”

I smiled. She had always been a bit rebellious against her parents but this was different. This was breaking a law.

“Ok.” I felt a bit uneasy.

“You two look knackered. Go and get some rest.” Amber smiled, gave us a quick hug and jogged off to another group of Magicians.

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