A bit beat up

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I desperately scrambled to my feet but regretted it immediately as I dropped down again onto a sharp rock. A small trickle of blood started running down my hand.

Joshua quickly dragged me up again and I winced as pain shot through my body. “Ok?” he asked and I nodded then looked down at my hand which was now covered in blood, although I was sure it wasn’t my worst injury by the way I felt.

Joshua wrinkled his nose and then handed me a piece of tissue from his pocket. Finally daring to speak I said “is that all you have? Can’t you magic my hand or something?”

Joshua smiled slightly “I’m afraid I’m not properly trained in healing. I can only do really basic stuff” I rolled my eyes at that. Typical.

“We have to get out of here” Marlon muttered as a red blast of light flew over his head and crumbled the wall behind me. He looked around to the direction it came from and a slightly amused expression passed over his face.

“Ava?” I quickly asked.

“Fine, a bit beat up but overall fine” Joshua replied as he started to gently tug me along the side of the room.

I breathed out slowly in relief and let Joshua lead me along. Slowly, we edged around the room until we came to a huge hole in the wall. The sides of it were red hot and were oozing. I shuddered at the thought of what would have happened to me if I was hit with one of those lights.

“Go through” Marlon ordered. I turned to look in disbelief at him then caved and stumbled through as carefully as I could.

When through the hole, I was met by an unending darkness of a corridor. I squinted trying to make out any shapes and to see if thre was anything I could stumble or walk into.

That’s when I saw the glimmer of eyes, shining when a light flashed beyond the hole we came through.

I stepped backwards in terror. Was it Sir Rose coming to finish me off?

I twisted my hands in Joshua’s shirt and he grabbed my shoulders just as the floor started spinning and a huge wave of sickness swept over me.

“It’s ok” he whispered soothingly in my ear as he gently lowered me to the floor and propped me up against the wall. “It’s only Lake” I heard a soft apology echoing in my ears but the sound of gushing water in my ears blocked out any words.

Everything seemed far away. My vision blurred when I tried to focus.

Sparkling green eyes suddenly appeared clear in front of me instead of the blur of shapes. Marlon.

“Blaise? Can you hear me? Can you walk?” the voice buzzed in my ears.

Involuntarily I slurred an incoherent reply then gagged as if to throw up but nothing came from my empty stomach.

“Right, Lake grab her and let’s go” Marlon said.

Warm, strong hands lifted me up and I let my eyes close to stop the spinning.

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